Search Results for 0416 071 967
Names found on this computer
Instruments, Future AutoAddress
Parkwood Qld 4214, Australia (updating)History
0 older records found on this number.Last Found
June 2009Other Formats
/0416 071 967
/004 160 71967
/0416 071 967
/004 160 71967
Comments on 0416 071 967
Posted on July 21, 2022Caller type: Call centre
Location: Australia
Caller: Scammer claiming to be westpac
Called to say that there was an unusual transaction and I had to put them on speaker and go to some website and enter details to block the transaction.
I've had real callbacks from banks and they NEVER require you to say more than 'no, that's fraud, cancel the transaction please'
Called to say that there was an unusual transaction and I had to put them on speaker and go to some website and enter details to block the transaction.
I've had real callbacks from banks and they NEVER require you to say more than 'no, that's fraud, cancel the transaction please'
Do you have a comment about 0416 071 967?
Posted on June 21, 2022Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This is now a private number