Posted on June 19, 2016 Caller type: Scam Location: Australia
A.F.P Paid Registered Informer and Street Walker formerly employed by a very cheap, fined and shut down by Dept. Health & Safety for low hygiene standards low class Escort service owned and operated by four of the country's most corrupt police officers who are known to run the Australian arm of the secretive international paedophile ring still in operation and of which they are lifetime members, they are rumoured to also have been Inducted into another more clandestine paedophile group 'PORCINES COPPUS RECTUMS HOMOS CANUS ETERNUM' whose members undergo the initiation ritual of having sexual intercourse with their biological father in front of peers in the most sick,twisted,perverted deviant ways possible and if a parent is not available then the initiate must then satisfy a whole menagerie of exotic animals which is more abominable then incest. But it is also rumored that these pretend Police officers denied they even had parents and were orphans so they could fornicate in an unholy fashion due to bestiality being their predominate sexual preference and what they derived the most perverted of sexual pleasure from apart from preying on small mice and large rats as gerbils are not native to Australia and stealing the underwear of criminals they've targeted for harassment and even the reformed who are innocent must suffer the degradation of having their underwear go missing, but have these four corrupt,lying,thieving,criminals with badges digitally masturbate each other while sniffing your underwear brings nothing but horror and sleepless nights to any victim of their perversions. O'hara,Katz,Giles and Yates I'm glad you and the rest of your Dogs will be going to a hotter place in hell reserved for lying corrupt maggots, traitors and informers than me. I'm not even doing anything,I'm a student and gave up crime a long time ago...go back to letting drug dealers operate and informers go free and stop harassing me and invading my privacy you perverted sick germs, or have the balls to just walk up and shoot me in the head like a man,not wait for some weak dogs I know to do it for you. You win some you lose some,I'm done.
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prostitution racket
Posted on July 1, 2016 Caller type: Scam Location: Australia
This bitch pretends to be in heat while selling you out and setting you up for your enemies who are the weak dogs who pay her in a junkies amount of drugs and money because it's the only way low maggots operate, paying germs like her to give them the knife and make sure your sleeping before they even work up the courage to stick it in your back or to even come near you, these putrid quasi-part time gangster/criminals who out number you 100 to 1 need to employ common ex-street walkers like her and buttboy wallflowers when the public are really under the false impression that these pebbles and gooksters are seriously tough and violent criminals,but I wouldn't even class them as men,boys and least of all male...calling them transvestites would be insulting to every transgender person in the world and one cell organisms would be more fitting. So if you know this female Judas iscariot, be careful cause she's only out to try and con you but will use you for anything she can get and sell you out to your enemies,but what those germs don't know about her is...that she's really a paid and registered informer working for the A.F.P in the A.C.T and that she will use her body to solicit confessions or to obtain any information in relation to crime/s so that her corrupt handlers can use as evidence,along with fabricated testimonies from other informers and criminals they release without any charge in return for their information which is always false and only imbeciles like the corrupt pretend POLICE in canberra wouldn't know that their informers will low about anything to get out of going to jail and these low lifeforms in uniform,w/badges and guns will harass you,have their surveillance team invade your privacy,steal your property,clothing right down to your underwear because they are undie sniffing fags who hold a grudge because you won't sign up to be their pet staffy on the paid informers register. So these moraless public servants use things like this scarlet whore to do their dirty,corrupt,lying,dishonorable,illegal, tasks and fabrication of evidence to set you up and lock you up for crimes they don't have any evidence for,knowing your innocent to begin with but charging you with offences that they had to withdraw because they had no evidence to offer in relation to all the charges in court and from the beginning of the A.F.P harassment you are the victim of. there's three kinds of lowest lifeforms in Canberra, the corrupt dirty A.F.P , the plastic gangsters and pretend toughguy crims, and the hooker and ballboy informers who will work for the disease infested turdworms that crawl through the faeces of mangy feral cats in the brindys. don't take calls from this number,it's on a plan paid for by the A.F.P and recorded by them at all time. And her having a man,doesn't stop her from getting around like the only village bike in a lepers colony the size of the whole Euro continent. F.U and Judas did the honourable thing after his betrayal because of his guilt and shame,you get around using the word angel as part of your pseudonym and deny what you really are?...THE BIBLES GREAT WHORE OF BABYLON. There's the hottest level in hell reserved for backstabbing traitors like you and your corrupt cop, lowlife employers right next to The most infamous of them all, Judas Iscariot and where I'm burning Will feel like taking a dip in Bondi beach compared to what you suffer, being every demons 4 legged blow rag.
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John Smith
Posted on June 17, 2016 Caller type: Scam Location: Australia
This bitch will set you up and sell you out for drugs and money, use you for what it can get out of you and then go back to her man. And she works for afp in act.
Comments on 0415 822 887
Posted on June 19, 2016Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
prostitution racket
Posted on July 1, 2016Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
A.F.P in the A.C.T and that she will use her body to solicit confessions or to obtain any information in relation to crime/s so that her corrupt handlers can use as evidence,along with fabricated testimonies from other informers and criminals they release without any charge in return for their information which is always false and only imbeciles like the corrupt pretend POLICE in canberra wouldn't know that their informers will low about anything to get out of going to jail and these low lifeforms in uniform,w/badges and guns will harass you,have their surveillance team invade your privacy,steal your property,clothing right down to your underwear because they are undie sniffing fags who hold a grudge because you won't sign up to be their pet staffy on the paid informers register. So these moraless public servants use things like this scarlet whore to do their dirty,corrupt,lying,dishonorable,illegal, tasks and fabrication of evidence to set you up and lock you up for crimes they don't have any evidence for,knowing your innocent to begin with but charging you with offences that they had to withdraw because they had no evidence to offer in relation to all the charges in court and from the beginning of the A.F.P harassment you are the victim of. there's three kinds of lowest lifeforms in Canberra, the corrupt dirty A.F.P , the plastic gangsters and pretend toughguy crims, and the hooker and ballboy informers who will work for the disease infested turdworms that crawl through the faeces of mangy feral cats in the brindys. don't take calls from this number,it's on a plan paid for by the A.F.P and recorded by them at all time. And her having a man,doesn't stop her from getting around like the only village bike in a lepers colony the size of the whole Euro continent. F.U and Judas did the honourable thing after his betrayal because of his guilt and shame,you get around using the word angel as part of your pseudonym and deny what you really are?...THE BIBLES GREAT WHORE OF BABYLON. There's the hottest level in hell reserved for backstabbing traitors like you and your corrupt cop, lowlife employers right next to The most infamous of them all, Judas Iscariot and where I'm burning Will feel like taking a dip in Bondi beach compared to what you suffer, being every demons 4 legged blow rag.
John Smith
Posted on June 17, 2016Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
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