Search Results for 0414 795 589
Names found on this computer
Down To Earth Bobcat HireAddress
28 Fienta Pl, Darra Qld 4076, AustraliaHistory
0 older records found on this number.Last Found
June 2005Other Formats
/0414 795 589
/004 147 95589
/0414 795 589
/004 147 95589
Comments on 0414 795 589
Posted on February 9, 2019Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
The person that made these comments is a vindictive narcissist who used a fake identity put them up. The comments came as a result of a property settlement where I didn’t pay a fraudulent invoice from a business that did not exist and for costs that had nothing to do with me or the company quoted. I am working on assembling evidence to prove who posted the comments with a view to launching litigation.
Posted on September 19, 2015Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Also trades as under the company name of Melia Pty Ltd, new address of 168 Ipswich-Boonah Rd, Purga Qld 4306
Do you have a comment about Down To Earth Bobcat Hire or 0414 795 589?
Posted on January 21, 2014Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia