Search Results for 0412 555 227
Names found on this computer
6 Calverton Rd, Kealba Vic 3021, AustraliaHistory
23 older records found on this number.Last Found
July 2020Other Formats
/0412 555 227
/004 125 55227
/0412 555 227
/004 125 55227
Comments on 0412 555 227
Posted on August 15, 2024Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Person calling herself Chris, calling about a query to an ad she had posted … it was offered cheap but she didn’t seem to want to sign a contract, wanted money deposited in her bank account (refused bpay as apparently less secure and took too long) was very insistent on deposit being made before contract. Would not give any details allowing identification before funds deposited …..we did not go further with that rental
Posted on August 15, 2024Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Chris
Person called “Chris” called about a rental wanted to be paid money upfront (very insistent) with no contract, would not give name or address just bank account details to make deposit refused bpay as less secure and took too long……
Person called “Chris” called about a rental wanted to be paid money upfront (very insistent) with no contract, would not give name or address just bank account details to make deposit refused bpay as less secure and took too long……
Do you have a comment about or 0412 555 227?
Posted on May 7, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Claimed to be about rentals in melton chatted and after we hung up she obviously accidentally txt me what we had chatted about but was obviously for someone else