Search Results for 0411 603 969
Names found on this computer
Cousins, CAddress
6 Benowra Pl, Davidson NSW 2085, AustraliaHistory
36 older records found on this number.Last Found
May 2022Other Formats
/0411 603 969
/004 116 03969
/0411 603 969
/004 116 03969
Comments on 0411 603 969
Do you have a comment about 0411 603 969?
Posted on April 8, 2022Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Gentleman called. Says he was from Telstra. Lots of noise in the background like they are in a call centre. He wanted me to go to a website to download software to stop the people that had been hacking in to my IP address and internet cable / service. He couldn’t provide me my IP address or internet provider name. He also said he wasn’t trying to sell anything. I said I didn’t believe he was trying to help me. He hung up abruptly.