Search Results for 0411 445 620
Names found on this computer
Pearson, KAddress
72 Gilruth Rd, Kenmore Qld 4069, Australia (updating)History
3 older records found on this number.Last Found
October 2018Other Formats
/0411 445 620
/004 114 45620
/0411 445 620
/004 114 45620
Comments on 0411 445 620
Do you have a comment about 0411 445 620?
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Posted on September 6, 2024Caller type: Other
Location: United Kingdom
I received an email, and some others from other companies, which are genuine emails with quotes and invoices for hotel stays, stock/shares portfolios, antique fairs. Some nice emailed back to inform them they’re sending sensitive information to the wrong person.
This last email from AllSports Physiotherapy informing of a Bridge Closure, I guess affecting access for the members/subscribers had an unsubscribe link. I checked the link and it appeared like a post subscription management service url, took the chance (behind VPN and security on my iPhone) and unsubscribe page looked genuine, having a phone number and email address to unsubscribe.
The phone number was this 0411 445 620, but the name above doesn’t match my name, my email address being used, or my mobile number.
I’m also in the U.K. and their website, senders email and the phone number is from Australia!
I’ve not clicked unsubscribed as I was checking this number -
Its an iCloud.con address that I don’t use for anything, and was probably created about 10 or so years ago - iPhone 4 or 5
If it’s genuine then, why is Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms K Pearson registering on sites and services with my email address, that is essentially my name, and not even remotely similar!!