Comments on 0409 799 367

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0 complaints this year, 283 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 283 total complaints

Comments on 0409 799 367


Posted on August 25, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Got the same message as well. Thought that something was so checked the WEB and found this site, Confirmed all my suspicions so ceased correspondence
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Posted on August 20, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Theresa

No phone call but , Just got a message from a Theresa benson about a lounge suite we have for sale .. thought not ringing her but reply by email was weird so thank god I googled the email address she gave which bought me to this page .. she sent an email wanting pay pal info or bsb and bank info mmmm .. my reply message was ...f*ck OFF IDIOTS .. no reply as of yet .. thanks to this page and those who posted
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Posted on August 18, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Theresa

Same email scam happened to me this afternoon via gumtree furniture ad. Email address: Beautyja9 @
Almost got me!
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Posted on August 17, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Canada
Caller: Theresa

In response to an ad on Gumtree...

Is the furniture items still available for sale? Kindly reply to beautyja9 @ Plz no txt.

I love forums like this. People sharing intel to at least minimise the damage that scum like this do. Just wish the cops could be more effective with this type of scam.
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Posted on August 16, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Theresa Benson

Same story as everyone else, after posting a furniture ad on gumtree.
All replies were immediate so I was suspicious. Lesson learnt about internet safety.
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Posted on August 7, 2019
Caller type: Service
Location: Australia
Caller: Theresa Benson

Nearly got me on Gumtree!!
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Posted on July 30, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
scammer has another email: beautyja9 @ Same text and approach. Must be working for her / him / them.
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Posted on July 23, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Theresa Benson

I just received the exact same message as others above. It arrived only a few minutes after me posting the ad. This made me suspicious straight away, and also, how does someone working offshore at NZOG manage to see and respond to a furniture add in the middle of the day within 10 mins of me posting? Obviously a scam, and thanks to all who posted here.

From: Theresa Benson <Beautyja9 @>
(also another email address was used - <bensontheresa75 @>)

"Thanks a lot for the email. I am away at sea at the moment,i work with New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kapo project. We do not have access to phone at the moment,its 5days off and 25days on,which is why I contacted you with internet messaging facility. Where is it located at the moment?

I am buying it for my for my holiday and i want it delivered before my arrival.I won't be able to come for the inspection due to the nature of my work and i would have called but our calling is restricted.Regarding the payment,pls get back to me with your final asking price and your paypal details so i can process the payment,you can alternatively send your bsb and acct number if you have no paypal acct.I have also contacted my courier who will come for pick up after the whole fund has been cleared into your acct.

Await your reply."
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Posted on July 14, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Email Theresa Benson

Same story, I've been contacted by Theresa who wanted to purchase my lounge suite. I was asked to transfer money for pick up via Westernunion.
I got Paypal invoice too and exactly same email.
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Posted on July 12, 2019
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Yes, lounge still available, refer message re Gumtree
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Posted on July 6, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Theresa Benson

Using beautyjay8 @ - exactly the same rubbish as everyone else. Can't believe that she is still trying this on!
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Posted on July 5, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Theresa Benson

I got exactly same email message about working on oil rig and wanting to buy furniture I advertised on Gumtree 4/7/19 for holiday etc etc. Would only communicate by email using beautyjay8 @ Obviously a scam
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Posted on July 4, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Just happened to me too... luckily I searched her name and found this thread before proceeding! what a scum bag.
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Posted on July 1, 2019
Caller type: Other
Location: Australia
Caller: Email via Gumtree from Theresa Benson

Scam from There’s Benson via Gumtree 1/7/2019:

Thanks a lot for the email. I am away at sea at the moment,i work with New Zealand Oil and Gas (NZOG) and we are presently offshore in New Zealand Taranaki Basin on kapo project. We do not have access to phone at the moment,its 5days off and 25days on,which is why I contacted you with internet messaging facility. Where is it located at the moment?

I am buying it for my for my holiday and i want it delivered before my arrival.I won't be able to come for the inspection due to the nature of my work and i would have called but our calling is restricted.Regarding the payment,pls get back to me with your final asking price and your paypal details so i can process the payment,you can alternatively send your bsb and acct number if you have no paypal acct.I have also contacted my courier who will come for pick up after the whole fund has been cleared into your acct.

Await your reply.
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Posted on June 30, 2019
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Theresa Benson

Just got contacted by this scammer via email after posting a furniture ad on gumtree! Same story as above.

Email was beautyjay8 @ under the name Theresa Benson.
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Posted on June 30, 2019
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Theresa Benson

Gumtree again, I listed my mattresses for sale. She attempted to scam me. Exactly the same as above. Same email wording with all the same crappy errors. Figured it had to be a scam when the comment came about the Western Union transfer for shipping occurred. Thanks all for the confirmation of the scam via your posts here. Hope she gets her Karma too!
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Posted on June 27, 2019
Caller type: Other
Location: Australia
This is what I got via Gum Tree:
Theresa Benson
12:47 (1 hour ago)
to me

Thanks for the payment details and am happy to proceed with the
payment, however i just got a confirmation mail from the shipping
agent now that i will need to pay for the freighting fees before they
can schedule pre-shipping/ pickup date,they charged $1,050 for the
pick up and delivery, but the problem is they only accept Western Union
money transfer as form of payment which is sent to their HQ.

I need a Credit or Debit card to personally take care of that but I didn't
bring it along as I am currently on duty and had thought there would
be no need for bringing it along.

As you are well aware of, due to the nature of my work am away and do
not have access to Western Union, most Post Office have
Western Union section and you can also send it online at,
will it be ok with you if I add the $1,050 to the
amount I am transferring? and you can help me make the Western Union
transfer of the freighting fees through Western Union money transfer?
You are not obliged to help me, but i will indeed appreciate
your help as I am a little incapacitated here
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Posted on June 21, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I got the exact same email, but from a new email address - beautyjay8 @
Sellers beware - scammer!
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Posted on June 13, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia

She is currently trying to scam me. I feel like such an idiot. I am glad that I didn't fall totally for this person.
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Posted on May 30, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Theresa Benson <benthersacool1234 @>

I copped the same story with the same spelling mistakes LOL

They could at least be more creative
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