Posted on August 29, 2018 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
I’ve noticed more than a few posts here regarding this debt collecting company called Panthera Finance, a company which makes its living preying on vulnerable people who have fallen into hard times. I was unlucky enough to have to deal with them recently and although the matter is now resolved I feel this information may help some of you guys who are unlucky enough to have to be in the same situation as me at some point in your lives.
From what i’ve been able to find out, Panthera Finance / State Merchantile are companies that operate from Brisbane and are owned by two holding corporations called HMB INVESTMENTS PTY LTD and HJK INVESTMENTS PTY LTD. State Merchantile are the acquisition branch which buys the debts and Panthera Finance run the call centre which harasses you.
The company has taken great pains to hide the following information from the public:
Registered place of business: Level 4, 54 Jephson Street, Toowong, QLD, 4066 (This is a small office with a couple of staff used only for administrative purposes)
Call centre where the staff making the harassing phone calls work: 555 Coronation Drive, Toowong, QLD, 4066, bottom level of the building on the right directly as you walk in, “State Merchantile” on the sign. (The head compliance officer and director of the company Mathew David Huges works here)
Another registered address of the company not used as the call center: Merrotts Level 6, 241 Adelaide Street, Brisbane
Owners/Directors of Panthera Finance and State Merchantile are two twins from Wollongong who now live in Brisbane:
Mathew David Hough, 34 years old Jamie Grant Hough, 34 years old
Mathews daughter who works in a management position for the company is named Bree or Corina (Not sure which) and Jamies wife is named Karen which I guess explains the choices of HMB and HJK for the holding companies.
The entire operation seems to be a family affair from the Hough clan who are making their money off the backs of those of us who fall into debt. Over the last 4-5 years they have managed to take millions of dollars from the less fortunate, often including the elderly and in some cases (looking through some posts on Whirlpool) even the family members of people who have died. Both Jamie and Mathew live in houses worth over $2mil and the company itself has an average of $1.86mil in Annual revenue.
If you are being harassed by them and live in Brisbane I suggest turning up to their office and dealing with the situation face-to-face. This a much more effective way to resolve your issues with them than through the telephone which is where they are in their element and most able to exert pressure on you.
I also have the home addresses of both Mathew and Jamie, their exact dates of births as well as the names and addresses of most of the people who currently work in their call centre. I haven’t posted this stuff because I don’t want to inadvertently break the law so if anyone can prove to me that I won’t be doing anything illegal by publishing it I will.
Don’t let these scumbags take advantage of you!
22 found this comment helpful
Posted on May 23, 2018 Caller type: Financial services Location: Australia
Caller: Pantha finance
Debt collection
9 found this comment helpful
Posted on May 24, 2018 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
filthy f*cking rats
4 found this comment helpful
Posted on October 22, 2018 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
PANTHERA FINANCE! These are all there other numbers that I have blocked as well they ring for about 3 seconds and hang up and call from different numbers as I continue to block them 0413 292 168 0481 222 147 0401 246 362 0435 795 406
2 found this comment helpful
Posted on August 23, 2018 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Any debt collection company requires your full name and DOB to gain what is known as "joinder". This is a legal requirement to pursue any man or woman for an alleged debt that they have bought for 10 cents in the dollar of the original sum. If they cannot get these two important pieces of information (full name and DOB) they are screwed! Never give them either unless they agree to an up front fee of $50 000 received by you prior to the information together with the 1. Full callers name 2. Date of his/her date of birth 3. Full private address 4. Best contact number.
It will be highly unlikely that they will call again as well as blocking their number! They are a parasitic segment of corporations that buy an alleged debt for peanuts and try to retrieve an original amount.GIVE THEM NOTHING !
2 found this comment helpful
Posted on June 21, 2018 Caller type: Debt collector Location: Australia
Caller: Panthera finance
leaches chasing telstra bill for deceased estate. Get a life!!!
1 found this comment helpful
Mike Hunt
Posted on June 21, 2018 Caller type: Debt collector Location: Australia
Caller: Panthera
Evil scum is a far too inadequate description for these bullying, intimidating extortionists. They prey only on the disadvantaged.
1 found this comment helpful
Posted on December 20, 2018 Caller type: Silent call Location: Australia
Rung me a few times. Appreciate all your comments in finding out that these are scum spam callers trying to make a quick buck.
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on December 4, 2018 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
yes and they are a scam i owe no debt
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on December 4, 2018 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
gimme me their home address.
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on October 6, 2018 Caller type: Debt collector Location: Australia
Caller: Panthera
My debt was paid. They were told and they are still calling. I block every number. They have few
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on October 5, 2018 Caller type: Debt collector Location: Australia
Caller: Panthera
Calls continuously from very early hours until well into the night. Continues with harassing phone calls day and night, 7 days a week. Not sure this amount of calls is actually legal.
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on September 7, 2018 Caller type: Debt collector Location: Australia
Caller: Pantherra
Just ignored. Unreasonable ruthless scumbags. Called me at 10:57
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on August 8, 2018 Caller type: Financial services Location: Australia
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on August 8, 2018 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on July 24, 2018 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Panthera Finance Scum
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on July 24, 2018 Caller type: SMS Location: Australia
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on July 24, 2018 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
This number call me 8 clock in the morning I answered no response listen my voice
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on June 3, 2018 Caller type: Debt collector Location: Australia
Caller: Panthera Finance
Debt Collectors
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on May 24, 2018 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Comments on 0402 584 946
Posted on August 29, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
From what i’ve been able to find out, Panthera Finance / State Merchantile are companies that operate from Brisbane and are owned by two holding corporations called HMB INVESTMENTS PTY LTD and HJK INVESTMENTS PTY LTD. State Merchantile are the acquisition branch which buys the debts and Panthera Finance run the call centre which harasses you.
The company has taken great pains to hide the following information from the public:
Registered place of business:
Level 4, 54 Jephson Street, Toowong, QLD, 4066
(This is a small office with a couple of staff used only for administrative purposes)
Call centre where the staff making the harassing phone calls work:
555 Coronation Drive, Toowong, QLD, 4066, bottom level of the building on the right directly as you walk in, “State Merchantile” on the sign.
(The head compliance officer and director of the company Mathew David Huges works here)
Another registered address of the company not used as the call center:
Merrotts Level 6, 241 Adelaide Street, Brisbane
Owners/Directors of Panthera Finance and State Merchantile are two twins from Wollongong who now live in Brisbane:
Mathew David Hough, 34 years old
Jamie Grant Hough, 34 years old
Mathews daughter who works in a management position for the company is named Bree or Corina (Not sure which) and Jamies wife is named Karen which I guess explains the choices of HMB and HJK for the holding companies.
The entire operation seems to be a family affair from the Hough clan who are making their money off the backs of those of us who fall into debt. Over the last 4-5 years they have managed to take millions of dollars from the less fortunate, often including the elderly and in some cases (looking through some posts on Whirlpool) even the family members of people who have died. Both Jamie and Mathew live in houses worth over $2mil and the company itself has an average of $1.86mil in Annual revenue.
If you are being harassed by them and live in Brisbane I suggest turning up to their office and dealing with the situation face-to-face. This a much more effective way to resolve your issues with them than through the telephone which is where they are in their element and most able to exert pressure on you.
I also have the home addresses of both Mathew and Jamie, their exact dates of births as well as the names and addresses of most of the people who currently work in their call centre. I haven’t posted this stuff because I don’t want to inadvertently break the law so if anyone can prove to me that I won’t be doing anything illegal by publishing it I will.
Don’t let these scumbags take advantage of you!
Posted on May 23, 2018Caller type: Financial services
Location: Australia
Debt collection
Posted on May 24, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on October 22, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
PANTHERA FINANCE! These are all there other numbers that I have blocked as well they ring for about 3 seconds and hang up and call from different numbers as I continue to block them
0413 292 168
0481 222 147
0401 246 362
0435 795 406
Posted on August 23, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This is a legal requirement to pursue any man or woman for an alleged debt that they have bought for 10 cents in the dollar of the original sum.
If they cannot get these two important pieces of information (full name and DOB) they are screwed!
Never give them either unless they agree to an up front fee of $50 000 received by you prior to the information together with the 1. Full callers name 2. Date of his/her date of birth 3. Full private address 4. Best contact number.
It will be highly unlikely that they will call again as well as blocking their number!
They are a parasitic segment of corporations that buy an alleged debt for peanuts and try to retrieve an original amount.GIVE THEM NOTHING !
Posted on June 21, 2018Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
leaches chasing telstra bill for deceased estate. Get a life!!!
Mike Hunt
Posted on June 21, 2018Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
Evil scum is a far too inadequate description for these bullying, intimidating extortionists. They prey only on the disadvantaged.
Posted on December 20, 2018Caller type: Silent call
Location: Australia
Posted on December 4, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on December 4, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on October 6, 2018Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
My debt was paid. They were told and they are still calling. I block every number. They have few
Posted on October 5, 2018Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
Calls continuously from very early hours until well into the night. Continues with harassing phone calls day and night, 7 days a week. Not sure this amount of calls is actually legal.
Posted on September 7, 2018Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
Just ignored. Unreasonable ruthless scumbags.
Called me at 10:57
Posted on August 8, 2018Caller type: Financial services
Location: Australia
Posted on August 8, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on July 24, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on July 24, 2018Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Posted on July 24, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on June 3, 2018Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
Debt Collectors
Posted on May 24, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
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