Comments on 0402 559 029

Comments on 0402 559 029


Posted on May 23, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
None of that is true. Stop trying to bring me down to your level of scum.
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Aido :)))

Posted on May 23, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Tha more you say jacinta , tha more your lies are proven .
1. You left ashlee , a child under 4 years old , in a car by herself on a hot day for up to an hour while you went for an interview . FACT through your own admission .
2.You left dirty bottles of milk in reach of ashlee which were found by FACS in your flat/accomodation . FACT through FACS admission .
3. You tried to put our daughter up for adoption , without my knowledge , 6 times in 4 weeks . One of the times you placed Ashlee on the counter ranting and raving too tha staff that " this thing has ruined my life " to which Ashlee didn't respond , meaning that Ashlee was " use to this kind of behaviour " . FACT through FACS admission .
You were , are and always will be a compulsive liar . And not a very good one at that . And your facebook pic makes you look like an umpaloompa . FACT
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Posted on May 21, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Ashlee is very well actually. She was never abused nor neglected, there were just allegations made, all of which were proven untrue in time. She is happy, healthy and doing extremely well at school.
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Aido :):):)

Posted on May 20, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Why thanks bill and ted . What a very nice thing to say . Hope your well yourself . ::)))
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bill and ted

Posted on May 20, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Dear Jason, Aiden, Liz and Jacinta. Be excellent to each other! P.S. Good luck Ashlee! Sounds like your gonna need it!
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Aido :) who's laughing now homeless boy

Posted on May 20, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Aww poor jason . Lookin for somewhere to live ... I see why your sookin now . Your probably stayin in a room somewhere in a big complex filled to tha brim with homeless losers like yourself . Hahahaha . Absolute gold bud . Just where you belong. . Telling you sad , tired stories to each other while sippin goooonnn ... Hhahahaaga . :( . You can show them all your big bettina tattoo and a picture of tha harley ya wanna get ... Hahahaha ... Note IP address can be traced . Idiot . You trying to bag me out in here has allowed me to find out you have nowhere to live and no friends to help ... Awww . Emergency handouts for you buddy . I hope "reconnect gold coast" give you some blankets and a fruit mince pie to fill your broke ass tummy to keep your broke ass warm .Anyway . Enjoy ..:)))
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Aido :)

Posted on May 19, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Jason idiot . Pot , kettle , black

Liz idiot . For knowing jason

Jacinta idiot . Ashlee was in tha care of tha state for 1 year because you neglected/abused her .

This site is for spammers . Why would someone reverse lookup my number if they already have it ??? Idiots . Hahahaaha
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Posted on May 19, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Being accused of being a junkie , by a junkie . Hmmmm . Idiot
Liz . Idiot .
Jacinta its jason . You idiot .
Who reverse looks up a phone number unless your being spammed by them . Idiots . And jacinta ashlee was not in my care when she was removed by tha state of S.A for neglect . Was she ??? Idiot
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Posted on May 19, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hey ford boy . Hows ya big cool bettina tattoo going . Bhahahahahah . Idiot . Hey 10 points for originality . But , who googles my number ? Hmmmm . Once again , idiot . Jacinta , hows the irony . Its jason . Your best friend . Now you can both be friends . Maybe facebook freinds too . Ooooo . Also , idiot .. Tha mischief both of your superior brains might create . And liz . Are you jasons facebook " friend " . His only facebook friend . Hahahahaah .thanks guys . Amusing , but , piss weak . All of you . Hey jason murphy , have you got your rebel's MC patch yet ???? Hahahahahah . Loser . You must be tha only person in tha world who could join a " motorcycle " club without actually owning a " motorcycle " ... Ahaghahaahhahahha . Did saying that to ya missus make ya feel alll big and strong ... Please ... Again . Idiot .
Anyway . Catch you idiots later . :)
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Posted on May 18, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi, I am the mother of Aidens daughter, he owes her over $10,000 in child support, if you can give me any information on his whereabouts, employment he has, any tax dodging he is doing I can give it to the ATO and child support and maybe get him to pay. I have no idea who you are but I am guessing he has screwed you over as he has done to me also. Revenge can be sweet! My email is jacintalovesashlee @
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Posted on May 15, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
could not agree more
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Posted on May 14, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Aiden jeanes owns this number ice smoking loser whingy whiney little bitch. Tax dodging deadbeat wanker . d*ckhead
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Up yours

Posted on May 14, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Aiden Jeanes has this number. Dumb loser who gets upset when he gets found out. Also a tax dodging deadbeat dad who hasn't looked after his daughter in any way. Adios bitchachos
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