Search Results for 0401 039 616
Names found on this computer
Nguyen, TAddress
37 Jolimont Pl, Dingley Village Vic 3172, AustraliaHistory
0 older records found on this number.Last Found
February 2014Other Formats
/0401 039 616
/004 010 39616
/0401 039 616
/004 010 39616
Comments on 0401 039 616
Do you have a comment about 0401 039 616?
Posted on April 18, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I believe this person to be a scammer getting girls to purchase a car he has listed for which I now doubt there ever was one, or he owned. I organised a direct bank transfer into his account, however he continually argues that he wanted cash. He then said we had to accompany him to outside his bank to withdraw the cash, when I said I wasn't happy to do so, but would. I later found out the car had been sold.