Comments on (03) 9422 6559

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on (03) 9422 6559


Posted on August 9, 2019
Caller type: Call centre
Location: Australia
Caller: Scammer of some description

Hey do you want to know how these guys work. What they would like you to do is answer your phone. They have a line connection and instantly make several spoof calls to other unsuspecting customers. Telstra will bill you at 84c per call these muppets make. They make 10 calls in a minute that's $8.40. Telstra cannot do anything to prevent this happening. Best thing you can do, set your message bank to 101. These scammers hate that as
1. They can only make one spoof call from message bank to your number
2. They have to go through several menus and options to make that one call, it slows them down disrupts their call process and even though it will still cost you 0.84 cents for the call.

If there is enough people who have the same thing happening maybe Telstra will do something to stop the like of these people direct from stealing from you to make calls to further their own business
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