Search Results for (03) 9344 1700
Names found on this computer
142 Main St, Lilydale Vic 3140, AustraliaHistory
8 older records found on this number.Last Found
August 2021Other Formats
/(03) 9344 1700
/(03) 9344 1700
Comments on (03) 9344 1700
Posted on May 2, 2020Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Priya S
How much money did the other lawfirm mob $20,000 to be favoured in court? Favouritism for another lawyer case that used to work for the Judge Maria lawfirm! The whole court hearing was tapped to Australian Federal police criminal detectives and investigation unit. You misconduct and acts are now under investigation! Along with the other lawfirm and lawyer that works at your lawfirm.
How much money did the other lawfirm mob $20,000 to be favoured in court? Favouritism for another lawyer case that used to work for the Judge Maria lawfirm! The whole court hearing was tapped to Australian Federal police criminal detectives and investigation unit. You misconduct and acts are now under investigation! Along with the other lawfirm and lawyer that works at your lawfirm.
Posted on April 29, 2020Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Kate
They lie, don’t care about you, rip you off, rude, unprofessional, and greedy. Shouldn’t be representing anyone. This mob should get a real job, and see how hard people actually work in the real world, instead of stealing money from them. Lock them up before more victims suffer.
They lie, don’t care about you, rip you off, rude, unprofessional, and greedy. Shouldn’t be representing anyone. This mob should get a real job, and see how hard people actually work in the real world, instead of stealing money from them. Lock them up before more victims suffer.
Posted on April 11, 2020Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Adrian
Money sure is the motivator to these guys. Disgraceful.
Money sure is the motivator to these guys. Disgraceful.
Do you have a comment about Lawyers or (03) 9344 1700?
Posted on April 7, 2020Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
No. 1 lawyers in Australia. What a joke.
They lie, don’t care about you, rip you off, rude, unprofessional, and
greedy. Shouldn’t be representing anyone. This mob should get a real
job, and see how hard people actually work in the real world, instead of
stealing money from them. Lock them up before more victims suffer.