Comments on (03) 9308 5433

Search Results for (03) 9308 5433

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Hume Hwy, SOMERTON VIC 3062


7 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

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Last Found

February 2025

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/(03) 9308 5433

Comments on (03) 9308 5433


Posted on July 27, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I just wanted to post a message of concern. I was road raged by one of your workers at 7:20am this morning heading down the M80, he exited off the Calder freeway.
The traffic was literally bumper to bumper and the lanes were merging from the left - three lanes into two. As I said, the tragic was bumper to bumper in all 3 lanes including the merging lane.
The tragic was going no faster than 20km/hr at the absolute maximum at the time.
One of your drivers, number plate ZLO614 sped right up the back of me and put his high beams on, almost hitting my car. There was no need for him to accelerate as the trafic was merging and not speeding up at this point. The drivers intentions were clearly to intimidate me, so I signalled off and merged into the far right lane to get out of his way, where your driver immediately drove next to me deliberately and signalled prophanities and explicit hand signals/gestures of himself giving a man felatio. As I am sure he has practiced this act many times in his life to be so good at doing it impromptu in the middle of bumper to bumper traffic, I did not appreciate the aggressiveness of your worker nor his attempts to intimidate me almost hitting my car. I dare say I was not the first or last person to experience your drivers disgusting and innapropriate behaviour, and thought I should bring this to someone from your companies attention as this man could very well be the cause of an accident on day, if he hasn't already. Someone may need to advise him that he is not the only person on the road, and that traffic laws are in place to get us all from a to b safely and securely.

Kind regards,
Intimidated fellow driver.
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Kevin Brimer

Posted on February 11, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
The Manager,
Gorski Engineering.

Dear Manager,
On Thursday 10th Feb at approx. 4.45pm I witnessed what I consider to be dangerous driving by the driver of your vehicle XWA 230.
A long line of vehicles were queued up trying to exit at Bell St from the Tullamarine Freeway. Your driver, trying to beat the queue, overtook the stream of stationary traffic, then tried to push in near the front of the queue, still on the freeway. He was able to push the cab of the truck in between 2 cars but the back of the truck remained stuck out into the lane in which vehicles were still travelling at up to the 100km per hour. Cars were having to break to miss smashing into the back of this truck as it protruded into the fast moving lane.
I travel on this freeway often and see some staggeringly close shaves and this was yet another which had the potential for a catastrophe.
I want to bring this to your attention as the image I now have of Gorski Engineering is negative and I would hope you speak with this driver to show that his impatience was not only highly dangerous but also witnessed by a lot of people.
Yours faithfully,
Kevin Brimer
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