Comments on (03) 8644 2948

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0 complaints this year, 233 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 233 total complaints

Search Results for (03) 8644 2948

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3 older records found on this number.

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Local Service

Latest Holder

Optus Networks Pty Limited

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Last Found

February 2025

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/(03) 8644 2948

Comments on (03) 8644 2948


Posted on September 24, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
OMG:: I thought it was me. Prism Telecom has brought me to tears over their harrassing ways to get us over. And yes, like the others, said they were Telstra and knew about our phone bills. After many calls and in the end after an hour I found out who they were, I was sobbing by now and just let them have our account because I was so distressed and wanted them to stop. Then the calls started with the internet, where do I stop, I feel like crying now.
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Posted on August 20, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I have been scammed by Telebyte. How do I get out of it? Will they contact me in time to cancel during the cooling off period. I can't believe I am so stupid.
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Posted on September 9, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
I had the phone ring every 10 minutes for an hour. Finally I answered the call and it was Daniel from Prism Telecom. After almost an hour on the phone, he put me onto to Brock, haha. I hung up before the last activation call was put through. I gave them my medicare number, no other info but it seems they have that already as they told it to me. Then the phone rang again but I will not be answering when this number appears on the screen. I never like giving out info over the phone, as I have been stung once before, stupid me, hopefully nothing comes of it. Waiting game now to see if they actually post me anything in writing, then I will have hard copy to fight them.
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Posted on June 2, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi. I have had this company call me several times now, claiming to be part of the Telstra group advising me of the following: 1. they are changing my contract to cheaper rates, they just need a verbal conformation despite me saying no to any changes. 2. They are suspending my internet connection as they have found someone else is using it at the same time. Interesting, the internet wasn't activated. Oh and I like this one, when I told her I was having trouble hearing her and asked for her number she simply said "good luck finding me" and hung up. Complete scam artists. By the way I'm on the DO NOT CALL Register and I have their names and the number they called from. I can't wait to see what the Ombudsman will do with this info.
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Posted on July 13, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
how did you get out of this?
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Posted on November 16, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I have had 2 calls from the same number..a Melbourne number diverted from a call centre in India. I was rung twice They were Telebyte Australia another Company under the same umbrella group that includes Prism Australia & others.. The deal sounded good. I gave them my Medicare number. I hope they can't use it to scam me? I think they target older people who are more trusting. I will check with the Ombudsman to ensure safety.
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Posted on October 13, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I have also just had the too good too be true. we will save you so much money, Are you an Australian resident "yes I am" what is your date of Birth " How about you tell me if you are in my Telstra record" I said Yes I love saving money. I get out through to the boss Michael Adams IN0142 is his job number. ( By the way I could hardly understand the first guy) Michael if this is really his name talks so fast and would not ask me any questions. I did give him my medicare number DOH!...then he says, after 30 minutes okay well we will start the contract. I said listen I need to leave for work how long will this take, he said 5 minutes. I said can you call me tommorrow I cant me late for work and he said no we have to do this now . did you not hear me I have to go for work and am already 15 mins no will will get this done now. Well I hung up and eagerly await a return call tomorrow....
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Posted on October 1, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
I was contacted last week by Tele Byte Australia who reassured me they were Telstra.
They called me once and I told them that I was busy to call back in two hours.
Within five minutes I received another call from them, starting with the exact same speel as the first caller.

After spending around 1 hour on the phone with them, they too, told me that they were affiliated with Telstra, exept I kept quering it because they asked me for my licence number and medicare details, which Telstra already has my ID.
I was then handed over to a 'manager' who then told me that they were no affiliated with Telstra and that my television/foxtel will still be billed by telstra but they will bill me for the phone and internet service.

I told them that I had just resigned a contract with telstra for another two years, they were adement that I hadn't resigned a contract and that there was no cancellation fee.
They reassured me that I'd have 10 days cooling off before my service would start with them to cancel, before any cancellation fees would apply.
Because I was at this point, in a hurry, I said yep no problem and I'd look into the cancellation with telstra within that 10 day cooling off.
When I returned home that evening, I started lookin up reviews for telebyte... which were very poor and some questionable! I then contacted telstra who informed me that I did infact have a contract and told me that there would be a cancellation fee.

On Mon 28/9/15 10.40 am, I contacted Telebyte and requested to cancel. The woman I spoke with asked me to verify my account details using my phone number, as at this point there was no account number. I went through the whole privacy speel, having to spell my name, provide my dob, address etc. Once this was done she asked me why I wanted to cancel. I told her due to the cancellation fee. She informed me that they can cover up to $250 for the cancellation fee. I told her the fee was higher than that and that I would be out of pocket. She then spend three or four minutes typing away saying that she's organising the cancellation now. Then to tell me that she was going to transfer to another department. On hold for another couple of minutes to then tell me that department were busy and she reassured me she left a message for them to contact me within 24 hour. She asked me if I was happy with the service, a little annoyed I said yeah its ok. She asked have a resolved your enquiry today, I responded, are you serious.. No! Ok I left it at that.

24 hours later... nothing (no surprises there).

I immediately sent an email to there customer care contact provided on the website and also provided on their welcome email. With the details of the cancellation and the reference # of the call I made on the Monday 28/9.

No acknowledgement that they had received the email. Once again.. no surprises there.

Today, Thursday 1/10/15, I finally get through to Telebyte again, and ask them to arrange my cancellation. Once again go through the privacy verification. Once again asked why I want to cancel. Then I'm told that he will help me and organise the cancellation, all of a sudden I hear one of his colleagues, and the phone goes quiet. No sound. Sitting there for 5 mins with no one coming back to the call. I hang up and call again.

The same person answers and I go through it ALL OVER AGAIN. At this stage I'm prepared to contact the telecommunications ombudsmen. He puts me on hold for another 5 mins just trying to locate the account number. Then I hear him typing away for what seemed like forever. Then he tells me that he needs to transfer me to another department to handle the cancellation. 'HANDLE THE CANCELLATION'!! I finally get through to someone else, and once again I go through the privacy speel all over again! I'm asked... once again... why I want tot cancel. I told them because of the cancellation fee.
He then tells me he can cover the entire cost of the cancellation fee (totally different information to what I was given on Monday) so that I won't need to cancel. I then proceed to tell him my experience so far with customer care. And he gets NARKY with me, saying if it were him, he would have called me straight back! :robotmad:
Well, I proceeded to tell him ... based on the customer service and cancellation fee I want nothing to do with Telebyte. :womanfrustrated:

He then says... oh I can't help you with that.
I repeat.. just cancel the service please.
He responds, yes mam I'm doing it! (once again narky)!
I hear him typing away and breathing heavily down the phone line for what seems like FOREVER!!
He finally comes back and says... ok I've cancelled it. Good bye and hangs up before I even get a chance to ask for a confirmation email.

I swear!! If I get charged by these morons I'm going straight to the ombadsman.

I hope my experience will help anyone questioning whether or not they should try Tele Byte Australia.

I say STEER CLEAR! :smileymad: :smileymad: :smileymad:
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Posted on September 25, 2015
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
same scam, rang identifying themselves as Telstra to my wife, I was asleep so didnt wake up in time to realise how bullsh*t it all was.
Certainly will be doing everything to ensure they get no cash from me.
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Posted on December 9, 2019
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: "Intersavers" or "Instasavers" hard to discern

Initially started off with questions about whether I was having problems with my internet. Then they talked about getting better internet. I said I was with Optus and they said I could stay with Optus. They then passed me to their "manager" which no doubt would involve getting my credit card details.

Going by their accents it sounded like they are from India, where a lot of scammers operate according to Jim Browning. So when they transferred me to their manager called "Jason" that seemed implausible and the call started to sound more like a scam.

They are using these phone numbers that I know of and there may be other phone numbers:- (03) 5316 5621 and (03) 8400 6523
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Posted on June 20, 2018
Caller type: Robocall
Location: Australia
Caller: (03) 9111 3333

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Posted on May 13, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
hi there I am sick and tired of this company sending me big amount of bill for me to pay to be honest this company is disgusting and is taking alot of peoples money where do I go to file a complain about this prim company
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Posted on May 13, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
so this so called company prism telecom called me last year telling me if I wanted to register with there company first of all I said no and that I didn't want to sign up for there company and then a few months after that I receive a big bill from them telling me that I owe them a lot of money at the end of the day you cant force people to register with your company if the don't want to and also I am not paying for that bill you bunch of scammers
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Fraud victim.

Posted on April 29, 2017
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Re. Phone companies.
Careful of this scam!
A refund of about $90 is promised b'c of service difficulty with phone/NBN.
They call you & say oops, a refund of $9,000 was accidentally given, someone will lose their job, can you please refund the difference immediately to our account.....
Later you realise they've been using your bank accounts to transfer money b'w your accounts. The massive refund is your money going to an overseas bank account.
Makes me sick!
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Posted on April 10, 2017
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Hi I did they same. Do not worry. everything l have read up on prism Telecom has happened to me , the stupid thing is I signed up to get them to leave me alone but l paid the price. l still don't have nbn on but l keep paying out hundreds off dollars for a services l m not receiving To day l just received another telephone bill $552.01 well , I sent email to them to let them no l 'm taken this to the ombudsman to sort this out , they are scamming people . and l am on a pension how do l pay a bill like that, l have no telephone neither. and no nbn still waiting for it. your not alone don't trust them .
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Posted on January 18, 2017
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
JUST GOT A SMS (TEXT MESSAGE) SAYING MY BILL $$$$$$$$$ was due in 36 hours! I've had no bill. Nowhere to pay bill, nothing.... so 90minutes ago I rang them. Average hold time 17-22 minutes. I lost it......anyway 10 minutes ago I got the same f*ckEN MESSAGE!sorry bout the language but I've had a gut full of this bullsh*t
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Posted on January 14, 2017
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
Yes. I got caught too! Early December got phone call from Chris 1504 (good Indian name) say he was telecom, after twenty minutes, he told me I'd get 2 bills! Why? 1from Telstra/mobile 1from us for your internet. Who are you I said! Prismtelecome..... I was told that Telstra will not cover me when nbn arrives. I have had no education on the internet. Only got internet one year ago. Anyway. On the 16/12/16 got a paper version of term and conditions, read it and got some one else to read it as well. I then on 28/12/16 my internet was cut of from Telstra. WITH NO NOTICE. I still had to close of trade on the 03/01/17 to withdraw,cancel, terminate. My agreement plan.....Spent the next four days trying to contact them. And being told average time on hold is 15minutes and sitting on hold for 46 minutes, I stayed (very pissed off) when I did get through, I was told that my 10 day cooling of was over. It starts at time of phone call? Wrong... shouldn't start till i get WRITTEN agreement 16/12/16! Well that would have ended on 26/12/16 they told Me! Wrong.... 10 working days, would take me to 03/01/17 . Not only that, they cut my internet. But DIDNT have anything there for me to replace it with. I told them to cancel my "deal" with "them". Ok after they said after an hour, it will cost you rent, they've cut my internet and given me anything else and they want to charge me rent..... I haven't used any thing... anyway. 10/01/17 I get a bill from them..$0:00 then 13/01/17 after hours I get one for $117 it told them to send bill to CHRIS 1504 on the first day, so I couldn't do anything Friday night and. Saturday morning on hold again.... no thank you... if I'd gotten a paper bill as I'd asked for, I probably would have paid just to be rid of them... but I don't know how and won't do electronic bills. So I'm afraid it's there loss.... but now they have no hope in hell
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Posted on December 28, 2016
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
Yep,got a call from Prism Telecom..and so many others like them recently...have just put my number on do not call register because have had enough of ALL telemarketing..My thought is if I/we want sales calls there should be a register to allow not sales calls not ban them,wonder how many would put their name on that!! advice never ever buy or agree to anything over the phone from telemarketers and never give any information about anything..and yes even a is so easy for any one say anything over the phone.Do research first and make your then make your decision if at all interested.
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Posted on December 23, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Prism telecom have called me twice to make the sales pitch, but both times used a different number: (03) 9988 5899 and (03) 9999 2109. I told them I wanted to do some research before committing, so glad I put them off. We are in an area that only Telstra will cover, but they claim they offer the same service...
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Posted on December 16, 2016
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia

Don't hold your breath about the ACMA or the Ombo doing anything. Just received a call today from them using this number (03) 8683 5941. Tried claiming NBN would be connected in 2 days and changing my service over to them. I knew it wasn't and hung up.

They knew my email address which is a worry and my internet plan with Belong. How is this possible? Why are Belong on selling my contract details?
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