Comments on (03) 7844 6230

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0 complaints this year, 10 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 10 total complaints

Comments on (03) 7844 6230

Sample complaints we have found for (03) 7844 6230


I also received the call from that number. I thought people call me because of interview or i received job offer. GERAM!!!!!!!!!!! My mum scold me bcoz not answering it and lecture about my phone that can't be heard. KALO NAK MAIN2 JGN CALL AKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I also received this call just now but i missed to answer it.


I received the same calls too..Then they left a voicemail..They are actually the streamyx people trying to call me back to check on my internet connection. Because that morning I complained about streamyx, so they called me back lolll..


That no is from TMNET call center wan.Got a call frm them also.

lao lao

i oso receive this call juz now.
and my streamyx speed sucks now.


i also received a call from tis number tis morning.i tried to call back tis number,but the answer was "sorry.this number is not in service".

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