Comments on (03) 7050 4100

Spam Score
43 complaints this year, 43 total complaints

43 complaints this year, 43 total complaints

Comments on (03) 7050 4100


Posted on July 31, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
When answered it took awhile to connect and then I got "this is Brenda from ANZ, there has been a transaction on your account of $1200, if this was;t you blah blah blah"
30 found this comment helpful


Posted on August 2, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Supposedly CBA

Definitely a scam call. Took a while to connect when answered and then recording stated they were from Commonwealth Bank and $1800 hag tried to be spent on my card, press 1 to accept or 2 to reject payment. Have a grand total of $7.40 in that account so was happy enough just to hang the call up
8 found this comment helpful


Posted on July 24, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
When i answered the number it hung up on me. When i called it back, a voice said "your call couldn't be connected, please check the number and try again".
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Posted on July 31, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Who knows and who cares
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Sinclair Le-Hugh

Posted on August 26, 2024
Caller type: Unsolicited call
Location: Australia
Caller: Scam Visa

Took a bit to connect, then was recording of female voice saying Visa account compromised with charge of $300+ charge to eBay and $1k+ charge as foreign transfer. Don’t be fooled.
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Posted on August 23, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Called, answered but disconnected immediately
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Posted on July 31, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
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Posted on July 30, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: supposedly Commonwealth Bank regards fraud attempt on my card?

Avoid this number and do not press or click as requested by the recorded message.
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Posted on September 11, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Scammer extremely persistent, call shows from a Melbourne number I call her out & hang up then a get a call from a NZ number same person telling me why I hung up. They r quite cunning an adapting, she starts the call saying I’m calling on behalf of Telstra due to technical difficulties for me to say you gave the wrong number as I’m not a Telstra account holder to trying to tell me that Telstra is a major internet provider and all of a sudden selling a service. Worse part is she tried to call another 4 times from different numbers to try to use a tactic to pretend to be a Telstra employee and that hanging up on her wasn’t in my best interest. When I asked why her number details keep changing with each call, she hung up on me. These scammers r next level : also Indian accent.
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Posted on September 11, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Scam - didn't answer
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Posted on September 11, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: PayPal

Random call from PayPal advising someone spending money on my PayPal account. They had all my PayPal details but were trying to obtain as many personal details as possible before I ended the call. Total scam as I only have 167JPY in the account
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Posted on September 10, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Didn't even speak English. Most likely a scam call.
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Posted on September 7, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: I'm certain it was a scam call, because I almost fell for it.

I'm certain it was a scam call, because I almost fell for it. They speaking chinese. And when I told them that I was going to report them, they became really aggressive.
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Posted on September 7, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Didn't answer. Voice mail was in Chinese .
Number blocked
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Posted on September 6, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller rang and I quickly did a reverse phone look up and found all of these reports. Thanks to all who post here, so helpful. No message left in my case, but have blocked and deleted.
06/09/2024 @ 2:30pm AEST.
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Posted on September 5, 2024
Caller type: Nuisance call
Location: Australia
Caller: Missed call

Looked up caller and thank god I missed it. Scammer for sure. Reverse lookup is such a great service.
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Posted on September 5, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: I dont know

DO NOT ANSWER - swore down the phone when challenged
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Posted on September 3, 2024
Caller type: Robocall
Location: Australia
Called from CBA. Definitely a scam.
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Posted on September 3, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
didn't answer and checking online it's definitely a scammer
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Posted on September 2, 2024
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Scam

Claimed to be from Amazon regarding purchase needing verification. I said she was a scammer and she hung up.
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