Sample complaints we have found for (03) 6730 9016
Dapat call dari nombor ni. Tapi bila jawab xda org. Senyap aje.
I never pick up the phone at all... When the number start with 03...
I just received too today.. izzit really maxis?? quite afraid
saya tak suka no ni call ... agak2 kalau taknak cakap xpayah la call ... menyusahkan orang ... tolong la eh ....
just rcvd the call from this number..Btw, I am a loyal Maxis prepaid user since 2 November 2002!!!The woman on the line said, her name is Wan Bahiyah, from Maxis, KLCC.At first I xpercaya, mcm2 la i cakap..sbb dah biasa dpt call drpd TeleMarketing ni kan..Then sampai dia tahu my current account balance, when i last topup, everything about my Hotlink account, baru i percaya, dia memang org CS Maxis.. Dia ada promote utk tukar my Prepaid to Postpaid Value First 30.. tanpa kontrak dan percubaan selama 6 bulan ...then dpt lg diskaun RM10 each month for 5 mths.. Added, will be given supplementary line RM10. And she had given me the number already. After dah confrim semua, i agree to change to postpaid. So, they will courier the registration form and the supplementary simcard in 3-7days.. And my package will be changed in 48hrs.Apapun, the caller cakap memang sangatt laju memang baca skrip agaknya!So, I tak sure ini tindakan bijak atau tidak.. Hope ini memang betul bukan scam lah! :Dowh ya, at first, she call me with this no (03) 6730 9016... then tetiba line putus, so dia call back dgn 123 which is Maxis Customer Service.. thats why i dare to take the risk :D
yeah!!! so many time received misscall from this number..Mengganggu..!!!Apesal ntah..setakat misscall...pastu kite call balik x leh la pulak....buang mase
Comments on (03) 6730 9016
Sample complaints we have found for (03) 6730 9016
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