Posted on July 17, 2018 Caller type: Unknown Location: Malaysia
They called my digi number... Problem was the digi number was only bought a few days ago.. And i havent call or used or tell anyone about the new number
1 found this comment helpful
Posted on June 20, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: Malaysia
this company call me a whole week
can i make a police report
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Sample complaints we have found for (03) 6254 5999
hak asasi manusia
kalau ada duit untuk bayar dah lama diorang bayar. ni call hari-hari nak bagi orang tension sampai tak tahan? kalau ada yg tertekan secara melampau dan menjurus kepada perkara yang tak diingini siapa yang bela mereka? astro je pun. nanti diorang bayar lah tu. p/s: tak faham kenapa astro charge mahal gila sampai ada bill yang beratus sebulan. boleh tengok satu channel je pun pada setiap masa dan 99% bukan live show pun, hujan pun masih pun pun. baik sambung tv tu kat cpu komputer. dapat tengok macam-macam movie bila-bila masa. tak payah bayar lak tu. news pun lagi laju kat twitter sekarang. hmm
org dia nie....backup cmpny nk bonus besar
bayar hutang
you have owe with telco or bank
no (03) 6254 5999 ini menghubungi talian sy 2 kali dan mendakwa dari MY CREATIVE LABS... bila sy tanya apa itu MY CREATIVE LABS perempuan yg jawab itu tidak mahu menjelaskan sebaliknya sy ditanya kembali samada syt tahu atau tidak berkenaan MCL ini..bila sy kata tak tahu dia kata - so sorry wrong number???
I feel suspicious! I owe nothing to Digi. They called me saying there's something about Digi. Then, they ask me about my name, phone number, etc... I feel scammed. sounds like people trying to collect my details for no good. Beware.
Comments on (03) 6254 5999
Posted on July 17, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Malaysia
Posted on June 20, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Malaysia
can i make a police report
Sample complaints we have found for (03) 6254 5999
hak asasi manusia
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