Comments on (03) 5441 8484

Search Results for (03) 5441 8484

Names found on this computer

Deks Auto Repairs Pty Ltd


76 Powells Ave, East Bendigo Vic 3550, Australia


11 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

August 2021

Other Formats

/(03) 5441 8484

Comments on (03) 5441 8484


Posted on December 14, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Beware!!! Derek Blow has taken advantage of an elderly disabled lady by ripping her off thousands of dollars for his own financial gain.
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Posted on December 8, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Disclaimer: This post is not about the business listed above.

This post is directed at Webby who has posted above. IF you are the sicko that is menacing the ladies on their phones, it might be a good idea to stop now. Rape threats are a crime. In fact people have been sentenced to prison in this country for such actions. Threatening women with that sort of violence is a vile and revolting act. I for one, think men who do this sort of thing are despicable scumbags. When we confirm who is threatening to rape these lovely ladies, I will paying him a visit with the intention of discussing the seriousness of his actions. He can expect to be exposed publicly in the town of Bendigo as we know the calls are coming from that area. He can then explain his actions to the sexual crimes unit within Victoria Police.
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Posted on October 28, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Alias name called Elaine, I find this comment very disturbing that you would deliberately slander a well known and very well respected family man who is a hard working buisiness man that would never rip anyone off or mistreat anyone, elderly or young. You need to keep your own emotional issues off social media and not slander someone undeserving of your bitterness towards good people.
I am very disappointed in your attitude and that you could post a comment that has no truth to it. This I would swear in a court of law, Would you???
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