Comments on (03) 5298 8493

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0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on (03) 5298 8493


Posted on August 6, 2018
Caller type: Nuisance call
Location: Australia
Caller ID displays number as (03) 5298 8493. Delay in answering (background status) then heavily accented, barely understandable caller sticks to scripted(?) conversation. Audible background noise similar chatter. Always seems to call between 1900 - 2000. Very persistent. Country: Australia, Region: South - East Region, State/Territory: Victoria, Tasmania, Location: Colac, Geelong, Phone Type: Landline, OR Area code: 03, City code: 5298, Subscriber No.: 8493, No. Type Fixed-line phone, No. Provider: NTT East Japan, Region: Tokyo
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