Comments on (03) 4149 5700

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0 complaints this year, 40 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 40 total complaints

Comments on (03) 4149 5700


Posted on March 23, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: United States
betul ke ????? Hhhmm macam tak caye.apa-apa pun beli kerepek abang H tauw.jangan lupa. ;)
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Posted on December 25, 2013
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Malaysia
Aq pown ada dapat call dari dorg. But the thing is sy mmg xde amik barang..when me n my husband g check at syarikat tertentu dgn fail yg mrka bg.. Ofcoz my name.. But ic no salah.. The ic no owner dah umur almost 50 but sy baru going 30 . Awad blh "peguam" buat salah. Xpernah.ade peguam yg call defenden ps tu blh pulak suke2 buat rayuan for pihak defenden.. I dont really remember that tengku yg call.. But all i can remember this lady ana maria ade talk with my husband sd dari blondal..but knpe gune no talifon syarikat lawyer firm.. X logic.. Harap2 this company akan gulung tikar.. Xhalal rezeki dorg sbb penipuan..
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Posted on June 14, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Malaysia
i receive a call with this same no. and said they are from the lawyers office and make a polis report for warrant tangkap if don't pay. First time i heard such a story.
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Posted on December 12, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Malaysia
what is your full email address?
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Sample complaints we have found for (03) 4149 5700


If you were in the shoes of these peoples, you would do the same thing. Funny is i just got sms from this number to urgently call this TUAN BAHARIN person.Again, the funny part is inever did nor purchase anything from Courts, considering their reputation.So sorry that your shallow mentality couldn't work it ways. Even if it from a debt collector agency, they are bound to the law.From what i see, they break more law than those people who own the money from Courts. And not to mention there's a report where they have con these people and continue harrasing them using those BIG word like WARRANT, ARREST, POLICE etc and big shot title like some holy man of the holiest of all.Really funny this Malaysian people, no courtesy at all.


mmg pun penipu. suka2 guna title tuan haji anuar, aritu pn hajah liza. entah apa2. Yang pelik,bila masa aku ada hutang kot maut ni?


Pembetulan diatas.*bila smpi rmh tv tu x ade channel..blur je..mcm da abis siaran tv.*


someone please help... ada terima panggilan kata dah keluar waran tangkap sebab x husband guna nama saya beli barang tapi tak bayar balik hutang. she sms me asked me to bank in 5000 before 4pm. I never know about this all. can anyone let me know if i can pay by monthly to them. I receive call from Pn Azliza and she said case file through tuan Haji. their no (03) 4024 8661 n 82105206....

aeon pukimak

Bru dpt call jap td. Konon nye dia majistret mahkamah jln duta. Bodoh ke ape ingt ak nk caye. Puiiii.... kalu stakat utang xcecah 30k xde nye kene tangkt bagai. Penipu.


This is a call from debt collector. If you are willing to pay then just pay your debt any amount will do. If you think you have been cheated & dont deserve to pay, ask to them proceed with the police report and ask them to bring the case to the court, anyway they won't do this by any chance.Dapatkan 33 kertas kerja perniagaan 100% siap dan boleh diedit di

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