Comments on (03) 4149 5700

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0 complaints this year, 40 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 40 total complaints

Comments on (03) 4149 5700


Posted on March 23, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: United States
betul ke ????? Hhhmm macam tak caye.apa-apa pun beli kerepek abang H tauw.jangan lupa. ;)
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Posted on December 25, 2013
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Malaysia
Aq pown ada dapat call dari dorg. But the thing is sy mmg xde amik barang..when me n my husband g check at syarikat tertentu dgn fail yg mrka bg.. Ofcoz my name.. But ic no salah.. The ic no owner dah umur almost 50 but sy baru going 30 . Awad blh "peguam" buat salah. Xpernah.ade peguam yg call defenden ps tu blh pulak suke2 buat rayuan for pihak defenden.. I dont really remember that tengku yg call.. But all i can remember this lady ana maria ade talk with my husband sd dari blondal..but knpe gune no talifon syarikat lawyer firm.. X logic.. Harap2 this company akan gulung tikar.. Xhalal rezeki dorg sbb penipuan..
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Posted on June 14, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Malaysia
i receive a call with this same no. and said they are from the lawyers office and make a polis report for warrant tangkap if don't pay. First time i heard such a story.
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Posted on December 12, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Malaysia
what is your full email address?
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Sample complaints we have found for (03) 4149 5700

hemma malek

i've received the same call like you all just a few hours first I was really shocked & terrified ..that guy, by the name of tn. Haji called me of and speak damm rude. He claimed he is from JBG (Jabatan Bantuan Guaman)..but act on behalf of Courts Mammoth..(which in reality JBG is a govt. dept which act on behalf of an individu, not a company). i called that firm and a lady answered the call n speak rudely to me when i ask the name of the company. She claimed it's a law firm, but  not using the word tetuan... what a fake.


Pembetulan diatas.*bila smpi rmh tv tu x ade channel..blur je..mcm da abis siaran tv.*


someone please help... ada terima panggilan kata dah keluar waran tangkap sebab x husband guna nama saya beli barang tapi tak bayar balik hutang. she sms me asked me to bank in 5000 before 4pm. I never know about this all. can anyone let me know if i can pay by monthly to them. I receive call from Pn Azliza and she said case file through tuan Haji. their no (03) 4024 8661 n 82105206....


Celake, baru kena. Puan Faridah. Phuiiii. Silap orang la kau nak main.

Roslinda binti Arshad

Assalam...tghari td sy dpt msg dr Tuan Hj Redzuan,kononnya dr Jabatan Undang - Undang,,Sebenarnya sepupu saya mggunakan payslip gaji saya utk membeli barang dr Courts...kalau x silap dlm thn 2005 rasanya...Saya ingatkan spupu sya jelaskan hutang coz sy x pernah terima apa2 col dr courts tghari td saya dpt msg minta saya bayar x mampu nak bayar sebanyak itu...Ada cara x lain xutk berunding ng courts spy saya dpt buat bayaran secara ansuran...saya cuma mampu bayar rm100/month,krn saya suri rumah sepenuh masa..Tolong yer...


saya pun ade masalah yg same

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