Search Results for (02) 9987 0656
Names found on this computer
Second Oliver Pty LtdAddress
Burdett St, HORNSBY NSW 2077History
10 older records found on this number.Last Found
August 2021Other Formats
/(02) 9987 0656
/(02) 9987 0656
Comments on (02) 9987 0656
Do you have a comment about Second Oliver Pty Ltd or (02) 9987 0656?
Posted on March 17, 2024Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
We are reaching out from the Zero Barriers project working in collaboration with the Hornsby Shire Council.
The Zero Barriers Project involves assisting local businesses in creating an inclusive and welcoming space for people with disability, carers, older people and parents with young children.
If you are interested, we will provide free advice and resources to help you achieve this. Once you have joined the project, the Hornsby Council will recognise and promote your accessible business on their website and social media. This will introduce a wide range of customers to your business.
Next Steps
To get started, please complete the short survey here:
This survey will tell us how accessible your business already is. We will use this information to create tailored resources to help you implement further inclusive measures.
Once you have completed the survey, one of my colleagues will reach out to provide some tip sheets.
If you have any questions about the program please email, zerobarriers @
Kind regards,