Comments on (02) 9905 0297

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0 complaints this year, 61 total complaints

Comments on (02) 9905 0297

Monica Lewis

Posted on September 23, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I'm also chasing a refund, this is week 4. I'm extremely disappointed with their blatant unethical business practises. I am ready to take this much further. Ive contacted the department of fair trade and have been advised I should lodge a formal complaint. I'm more than happy to go the distance with this and hopefully prevent this sort of stress for others.
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Posted on September 21, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Did you have any joy getting your money back 'im in the same position.
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Posted on September 21, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Yes would be keen having same issue.....
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Posted on September 19, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Well..... I know for a fact, that is not untrue!!

I also did Life Design, and know two people that haven't been paid what they won as an award... Or the fact that you promised their price was cash, but in fact it's just "EQ credit" to use for other ridiculously expensive courses, so that you greedy scumbags can get even richer. Karma!! Just remember that!
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Posted on September 19, 2016
Location: Australia
Comment has been removed.


Posted on August 17, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I attended a weekend course in July in Brisbane and signed up for the $5000 week long Life Design course they offer in Sydney knowing that according to the T&Cs overleaf of the contract there was a Cooling Off Clause that guaranteed a refund (which Alfina of EQ Events so kindly pointed out at the time to ease my concerns around making a decision on the spot). I received a call from Alfina of EQ Events the following day telling her I wanted to cancel and get my full refund back - she confirmed via email that she had forwarded the message to the accounts department. Luckily AMEX said they would try and help me dispute the charge! I hope I can get my money back.
I am very disappointed because I actually did enjoy the 2 day weekend course and want to recommend it to people, but not now after this mess.
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Posted on August 15, 2016
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
They keep calling me every so many months and never take me off their mailing list. I keep requesting that they do so but it seems they are just incompetent and not capable of doing so or just think I'll forget that I've requested to be taken off and cave the next time they call.

Feels like harassment and generally gives me bad vibes if they can't do something so simple as taking a person off a mailing list.
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Posted on August 4, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I found the course fun and engaging in self discovery but careless regarding people who have emotional traumas. I also noticed alot of great talking about how 'booked' out they are and how they are 'contributing' to society by offering cheap seats. I was promised continued free coaching sessions leading up to the event too. Reality was they dropped off the radar until the next time they wanted to sell to me.
They very much seem to take advantage of peoples emotional weaknesses and use the cheap weekend seminars for 'training or practice'.
They lost my faith and trust to invest in the more expensive courses which shows weakness in the management side, very obvious sales people offering some possible good information if you can afford to risk finding out.
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Posted on August 4, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
(eQ Life Design) I didn’t know what to expect, I came with an idea of the problem/troubled areas in my life, also some beliefs that I was sure of. Life Design has helped me find myself, to love myself and I’m never alone. My beliefs in money were redirected and I’m excited about starting my changes. Thank you for everything.
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Posted on August 4, 2016
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
The weekend event I attended with EQ Events was life changing! I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to get more out of life - I loved every minute of it. Thanks so much guys!!
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Posted on August 2, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I attended PSI and Life Design and learnt so much about what has been holding me back - my negativity and limiting beliefs around money, health, and my relationships. I felt a sense of freedom in the realisation that I'm the only person responsible for my life, and I also have the power to change my situation and build the life that I want. No more blaming others for my past - thank you Peter, Jodie and the team for saying the things we all need to hear!!
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Posted on July 28, 2016
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
I've attended programs with EQ Events and I cannot speak highly enough of them. One of the biggest things I learnt from their presenters is that I needed to take responsibility for where I was in my life and stop blaming others.
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Posted on July 28, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I thoroughly enjoyed Life Design. My key interest in health was the most engaging. Peter is always a pleasure to listen to. Very engaging and I liked the story-telling conversations which provide an analogy for the point they are making. Overall an awesome course that taught me “Yes I can”.
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Posted on July 28, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I have completed the Life Design Course and 100% of the $300 payments Totalled was given back to the 1st and 2nd Prize- Getters at the end of the course. You are sadly mistaken because EQ did not keep one cent of that money. Maybe your real complaint is the fact you were not chosen as prize-winner. And with an attitude like yours which completely misrepresents the facts - you have NOT grown up emotionally and really need these courses. Good Day :)
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You get out what you put in

Posted on July 28, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Look honestly you choose your experience you have with anything in life, I just attended Life Design and got so much out of it. One thing to notice is that all of these comments are about money, poor people are afraid of losing if you learnt anything in this event the first thing would be that we're abundant and that this particular thought choice alone can change your life. It's 100% up to you whether or not you want to win here. Blame is like a rocking chair, blame and rock all you want so still won't go anywhere.

Since doing the program, I am so much clearer on my financial situation. I feel lighter, happier and indestructible. I know what I need to be doing now and I have no excuses or B.S. to hold me back.
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eQ events

Posted on July 21, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi Bloody Annoyed & Angry,

If you have worked for eQ, you must surely be aware that while we do educate people about money, we also educate them about relationships, health, emotions, career and business. We'd also like to rectify your comment that we keep the money that is won by our clients in our courses, as this is absolutely untrue.
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eQ events

Posted on July 21, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi William,

We value a holistic definition of success, of which money is one part. That's why our workshops provide education on Money, Career, Business, Health, Relationships and Emotions.
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eQ events

Posted on July 21, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi Anonymous,

We understand situations can arise that make it difficult to attend our programs, such as surgery. As a previous employee, we're sure you're well aware that we are more than happy to move our clients' enrolment in a program to another date in these situations. Our refund policy is similar to a retail refund policy; we do not refund for change of mind, however we do offer exchanges to different dates and programs.
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eQ events

Posted on July 21, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi Disillusioned,

Thank you for your feedback. Our company exists to help our clients improve their lives and take their personal, business and financial success to the next level, wherever they may be at. We've helped thousands of people who feel like they are struggling in one or more areas of their life and we've also helped many people who are already very successful and just need some clarity on their goals and guidance on how to achieve them. Our founder and presenters have spent decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars educating themselves in the areas of Career, Money, Property, Shares, Health, Relationships and Emotional Clearing techniques. Life Design brings all of these areas together in 1 course.

One major advantage of attending a program like Life Design over reading about these subjects is you learn a lot more information over a much shorter period of time. It would take years to learn all of this on your own. There is also a big difference between reading about something and actually experiencing it for yourself. Our programs are very engaging and require active participation. When people see, hear, feel and experience what they learn, they are much more likely to implement it.

We continue to support our clients after Life Design, by providing coaching sessions for every client (included in the program price). This ensures clients stay on track to achieve their goals, as they can work through any obstacles that arise with their coach.
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eQ events

Posted on July 4, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi Nell,

We refunded your money on 7th June. We apologise about the delay.

Kind regards,
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