Comments on (02) 9905 0297

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0 complaints this year, 61 total complaints

Comments on (02) 9905 0297


Posted on November 4, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Been to the 2 day seminar and was encouraged to sign up for the much more expensive Life Design. Don't get sucked in at any cost!! They're very clever at making you feel like your life is currently crap because of what you've been doing and thinking. It's all your fault and you absolutely need their help to be able to turn things around for good. If it's not working, it's because you're not making enough of an effort... What they use is a mish mash of wisdom from various self-help authors. You're better off reading the stuff yourself and signing up for online courses with those great writers without the interference of eq.
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Posted on May 13, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
What a bunch of hypocrites!! You run seminars on positivity and personal development yet you don't pay your bills and shaft other people!!! I'm a caterer who had to chase my money for 3 MONTHS after catering for EQ Events, having to resort to a debt collector in the end as EQ wouldn't pay my invoice.I then lost a big chunk of MY MONEY through having to pay the collection fees. Thanks for inspiring me to NEVER deal with you mob again and maybe think about practicing what you preach! Hop karma catches up with you!
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Posted on July 28, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
A profound seminar, as well as being lots of fun. I'm much happier, more fulfilled, more enthusiastic about life. I'm taking regular action towards what I want in my life. I am healthier, lost 1.5kg on the seminar. I learned a lot about money.
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Liz Charles

Posted on September 9, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I too am chasing a refund and with no success. perhaps those of us who are in the same boat could get together and work out how we can achieve this as a group. Class action maybe?
9 found this comment helpful

Conned as well

Posted on May 23, 2019
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: EQ Events

Another who has been conned :( I suffer from depression and was really looking for a way to turn my life around. I had attempted suicide just a month before I attended one of their free seminars and we talked about it whilst I was there. They got us all hyped up with breaking arrows on our necks, dancing, singing... you name it! I felt on top of the world. I came home and I was on so much of a high. They rang me afterwards and convinced me that to get the most out of it I needed to do the next level Life Design. They offered it to me at a HUGE discount. I said I couldn't afford it, but they convinced me that it would turn my life around. We discussed my depression and they were fully aware of it. I should have been referred, but these are not professionals. They don't care, so long as they get their money. I am now facing a HUGE credit card debt and battling my depression alone. RUN AWAY! Save yourself and your money :'(
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Posted on March 13, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
So now they are into Administration?
So now they do not get to pay anyone anything..
which I could see they were planning for quite a while..
so no..there is no justice..
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Posted on March 1, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Wow I would never of thought there would be so many negative comments, out of what ? 35000 people or there about.
I did Life design and yes I feel I was coerced into it at first, but you know what at the end of the day it was my decision.
Although I struggled with some of the way the program was run and methods, I got so much more out of it than you can imagine. and now years later I still use some of the things I was taught and just brush aside the things that went against my belief.
these programs are designed ( in my eyes) for you to receive and take in what you personally need at this stage through your journey and for you to continue to make your own decisions. If you feel you didn't get out of it what you thought you would, than maybe ( just maybe) your expectations are higher than your self belief.
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QLD eQ Shareholder

Posted on February 3, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I completed the 1 day seminar followed by the 7 day life design course, followed by coaching and am currently an eQ shareholder. I have learnt a lot from their programs however I am now regrettably among the many others who are chasing them for money. I have not received my dividend which was advised should have been paid in November each year and as a shareholder we do not have access to the figures.....Jodi I am still waiting for my stake in 'our' business return.
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Posted on August 5, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am so proud I attended the Life Design program as I can see my dreams within arm’s length. Meeting people with the same notion of making changes in their lives is supportive and very pleasing. My connection with these great people will continue as I lead the Melbourne team members into meet-up. I look forward to my coaching sessions and my first participation in Success Club. I will embrace the knowledge I have learned. The time to make changes in my life is now.
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Posted on February 21, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Anonymous, run as fast as you can away from eQ. I have done a number of their courses and each one is designed to get more money out of you.
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Posted on April 16, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
When i was first conned I was rung by "M" a young kid and he was trained well to get me in. Then when we met him he actually became quite negative to the company and I see why. But i was pretty salty that I was there because of his sales tactics and it cost us money...

It was a bit traumatic the experience... i was heavily pregnant and was bullied into running and doing planks which i haddnt done in months while being pregnant and truthfully i really hurt myself and I didnt speak up. I cleared so much "emotional energy" i had bleeds and health scares while there but to leave and waste 14k was not an option just weeks away from our birth we thought this would be so good for our family... we got pretty much nothing out of it and have been paying like $10 a week for 5 years for the course and its almost up. I Cannot wait!! They are scammers and really on some culty vibes... im naturally naive and believe the best in people but that course was a fraud!!! Such bull sh*t expert advice.. litterally 40% of our content schedule didnt proceed and we got like... lectures from pete that spanned hours on end at the end of the day we were exhausted from mental abuse it felt.

My husband and i have a laugh every time the money comes out of a week and think f***n EQ... even their workers think its a scam :( you all should get your morals together and do whats right for the public!

Dont be fooled I hardly play the victim we did sign up on free and I continue to do self development but guys... dont go to EQ.

Sorry, not sorry id spend the money on Dr. Demartini in stead if i had my time over!
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eQ events

Posted on July 21, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi Mandy,

Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to hear you are very unhappy. I'm wondering if you or your sister in law have been to one of the many Expos/Festivals we have exhibited at, such as the Mind Body Spirit festival, Utopia Women's Wellness or The High Tea Party, rather than one of our seminars. These festivals can be very busy and there are lots of exhibitors, so it's understandable if you don't remember meeting our team.
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eQ events

Posted on July 21, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi Kylie,

We apologise that you have received so many phone calls from us. That must be very frustrating. John no longer works for our company. We don't have any employees called Cathy, so perhaps those calls weren't from us. If you are still receiving phone calls from our team, please answer and tell them you wish to be removed from our database. Alternatively, you can email info @ and request to be taken off the database.
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Posted on April 6, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Yes my husband has been sucked in. We did a Tony Robbins course about 4 years ago and ever since than he has believed he is not living his life's purpose. He has been so depressed and constantly reading self help books. He is currently doing the eq 7 day course which has cost a fortune and while their has handed over more money. The problem I find is that these courses break you down and then build you up with so much hype. They make you feel on top of he world. That feeling can't last and when you come back to earth the crash is hard and devasting. My husband has become the type of person that can't be happy with it. I no longer can handle it.
Do not do it. Go to a dr. Life is not that bad.
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Posted on September 23, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Moved office location (to Frenches Forrest) and rebranded as "Success & You" (private company registered for ABN in 2015). Started advertising on FB with same "coaches" and same sh*t
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Posted on April 11, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I had a terrible experience with Peter the director myself with the money issue. He just ended up refusing my emails and messages. I actually decided to get my lawyer to get involved. it's just ridiculous for the deceiving images and agreements they made to get you to pay the money. They don't seem to care about anything else after that.very sad!
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100% Percent a Scam

Posted on September 12, 2017
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
I signed up to their programs with good merit and faith they could work with me to improve my financial situation by paying for their service of what they already knew. All they did was find out how much I had and took a lot of it without fulfilling my agreement. I seek legal advice but will not speak a $ fighting them.
DONT SIGN UP TO ANY COURSES. You would be better to see a trained professional who supports and nourishes your development. EQ rip people off and never follow up with anything they promise.
Very upsetting there are such bad people in this world! Only positive is the good people who also attended the courses.
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Posted on December 30, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Agree with an earlier comment. Constant telemarketing and point-blank refuse to take you off their mailing list, even after being politely requested several times, over the last few years. Unprofessional
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Daphne Marsters

Posted on August 23, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Beware don't waste your money
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eQ events

Posted on July 21, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi Jasmine,

We are sorry you feel your husband was sucked in. Our courses help people find out what their life's purpose is and living it, so if your husband believes he is not living his life's purpose, this is something we can help him with. We agree it's not possible to feel on top of the world all of the time. That's why we include free coaching sessions in the price of our courses to ensure we are there for our clients when they need some motivation, inspiration or support.
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