Search Results for (02) 9881 0888
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Imperial Tobacco Australia Limited Baulkham HillsAddress
U 4 4-8 Inglewood Pl, Norwest NSW 2153, Australia (updating)History
9 older records found on this number.Last Found
February 2025Other Formats
/(02) 9881 0888
/(02) 9881 0888
Comments on (02) 9881 0888
Imperial Tobacco Australia
Posted on January 17, 2017Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
I called back number (02) 9881 0888 spoke to a woman who said company name is Imperial Tobacco Australia.
Imperial Tobacco Australia
Posted on January 12, 2017Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
I called back number (02) 9881 0888 reached IVR for a company called Imperial Tobacco Australia.
sigh. more morons.
Posted on March 16, 2016Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Seems like some peoples IQs are so low, they don't even know how stupid they sound.
Posted on March 11, 2016Caller type: Unknown
Location: Asia/Pacific Region
Linda Cetanich. You posted your details yourself you farkin dumb moll.
Posted on March 10, 2016Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Is White Ox packed in China
Peter Ryan Cutler
Posted on January 18, 2016Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Bitch had a miscarrage so she can now stop whinging.
Corey Barry
Posted on November 1, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: United States
Mum and Dad smoke white ox cigarettes and I wish they would stop. It makes our house smell bad and it gets into my school uniform and the other kids at school can smell it and they hit me and tell me I stink :-(
Steve Campbell
Posted on October 16, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: United States
I have been smoking the Ox for 24 years and I don't think there's a better smoke. But its been going down hill over the last couple of years in the quality. Not as good as it used to be cause it now makes me cough alot and somedays I cough up blood. Give us back the real Ox
mick saban
Posted on September 29, 2015Caller type: Survey
Location: Australia
ive been buying white ox for some time now over 30 odd years, & ive stared buying the "25gram packetts ,i cant cop that the packetts are not uniformed in size & seems to be under every time with the packett beeing taxed buy the coner on an angle ,bit over the f*ckn price of smoking is f*ckn bull sh*t!!! who else is getting shortted on ox ???
Derreck Munter
Posted on August 20, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I Smoke White OX cos I am a real man and I like to smeel like sh*t and I want to die young, shut up nigger loving fags
Robert G Thomas
Posted on July 31, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I started smoking White Ox in 1975. The last 4 years (I guess) the quality has been getting worse. Since the"Plain Packagin" laws have come into place, the quality has really hit rock bottom. It is full of stem & vein and has a lot more tar, including balls & chunks of tar. This is just another way for Imperial Tobacco to steal more money from it's loyal customers. I also smoke a pipe. Just 4 days ago I purchased a tin of Amphora pipe tobacco (also by Imperial Tobacco) because I could not get any of my usual pipe tobacco's. I packed my bowl and lit up. I could taste the tar straight away. Half way through the bowl I could stand it no longer. I was really sick within an hour and it lasted for almost 2 days. I know I did not accidentally pack any chunks of tar into my bowl. Imperial Tobacco knows that by increasing the tar content as well as the stem and vein that they can drastically reduce the weight of actual Tobacco Leaf that is in their products. They also know that they are putting the health of thier loyal customers at risk. I would like to see it stop and for the quality to go back to the high standard that it used to be, but it will not happen. I would prefer to pay more and get the quality. I have rang them some time ago and nothings happened. Laterly, since the beginning of this year 2015, I have been keeping a lot of the sh*t that should not be in it as I am considering talking to Goverment people and a Solicitor. Today I had to buy more tobacco and I can no longer hold out hope of White Ox improving so I purchased another brand ( a brand by a different company) and was happy to find that the quality was 99.5% compared to White Ox at between 30 to 65 %. I should not have to give up my favorite tobacco after smoking it for 40 years. I just hope that they will do something about it so I can come back to White Ox soon. In the meantime, I am determined to take it further. I guess it would be good for me if their Quality control team contacted me maybe with a guestion about this post, but I really don't think they have anyone doing any sort of quality control. I have even found a bit of wood from a pallet in a pouch, in another I found a large paper tag with a bit of hessian string attached in another pouch. So I will be buying 2 × 50 gram pouches a week of another brand until things improve and I am sure a lot of other people will do the same as me. Robert Thomas, Protectedrobert @
Mark foy
Posted on July 20, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hello Iv been buying and smoking white of since I was in jail and now I buy 4 50 Gm packets and they wiegh different and at there high cost these days it's hard to maintaining smoking when you get less than you pay for and in the packet I get sticks vines I can't smoke it won't roll up and light and it's a waste of my money I have always loved the ox but I don't like cutting corners to smoke a cheaper brand so I'm wanting value for money cheers
Posted on July 20, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I have previously emailed you about the same subject I smoked white for over 20 years and had enjoyed it until about the last10 to twelve 12months where your tobacco has weakened in strength and some packets I might as well smoke the other brands please let me know what the problem is hopefully you can sort it
Posted on May 25, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hello, I have been a faithful smoker of your White Ox brand for many years and overall have been very happy with the product BUT today after coming home from the shops i decided to weigh the 2 x 50gm packets that i have just purchased as they seemed a bit light and a have found that one weighed 47.2gm and the other weighed 45gm, this is unopened in the packet, weighing an empty packet on its own weighs almost 6gm so the lightest one was over 10gm underweight, this is over 20% of the weight it should be.
I have not opened these packets and have taken photos if you are interested, the scales i have used weigh down to 00.0 of a gram.
Can i please have an email address of a contact in Australia that i can leave some feedback to? Not happy..
I have not opened these packets and have taken photos if you are interested, the scales i have used weigh down to 00.0 of a gram.
Can i please have an email address of a contact in Australia that i can leave some feedback to? Not happy..
Posted on April 27, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Yes hiproduction have been smoking white ox for many years 10+ years at least, and have found lately over the past few years the bits of bark in the pack are getting bigger and more frequently like I once pulled a bit of bark out as big as my finger. I have to throw out about 5% of the packet due to bark I don't smoke bark when you accidentally put one in your smoke and get half way through it then you can't smoke anymore it ruins it too much bloody bark iv even found bits of hair once. You or the government expect us the consumer to keep spending our money on products that are good yes but lack the quality of a superior blend tobacco you claim to have. Up your game a bit better we all understand mass production could be tricky bits get through un noticed now and then. Maybe you need closer inspection of what your sending out
Dee Alcorn
Posted on April 6, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I've been buying White Ox now for around 12 yrs now but in the last two months i have been quite upset with the qauilty of the tobacco the last 3 pouches i have bought have been very stale and it's f*cked as after thier opened they turn to dust. Please fix this problem as i can't buy more to replace the half a packet of dust plus it's not my place not only have you made ur packets from 30 grams to 25 grams but there still the same price my details r Dee Alcorn unit 13/154-156 Great Western Highway Kingswood Sydney NSW. Looking to hear from you's soon Thankz
Posted on April 6, 2015Caller type: Political Call
Location: Australia
Haha's on the money. Why does the idea of "just writing it " feel so cathartic to some, they must know its going know where. Its like a message in a bottle i think. The wite ox foolk aint careing about what they dont see. Get a refund via a replacment pack... Many have , but sont send 30 g ov drek unt bark, until you get the correct address.
Paul millikin
Posted on March 17, 2015Caller type: Survey
Location: Australia
I would like to say that I've never a problem with any white Ox I've bought I wish the package stayed the same though anyway 10 cheers to white Ox . People should stop mocking and enjoy the brand they are the best brand going. So stop sabotaging the brand & b satisfied with what you getting. Buy th way I had a 50 gram tin had it stolen IAM willing to buy a new tin if I can get 1 I will pay good money . Can you help me White Ox?Regards Paul email : p.millikin @ phone # 0468 400 236. Brisbane Queensland 4350. THANKYOU WHITE OX NOTHING BEATS THE WHITE OX CHEERS
Posted on January 14, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Good 1 Leon from Coogee, Michelle, Dave, Joe, Paul, I've been smokin ox (white ox) since 1972 when i was in one of the BLACK CELLS underneath the prison at Brisso, BoggaRoad, Qld, after yelling out for 5 days " i want 2 c the superintendent ", & putting up with the smell of my toilet, a 4 gallon plastic bucket that hadn't been emptied since I was thrown in there & not been let out 4 a wash let alone a shower, i managed 2 score an ox, as the sweeper swept past my black,30cm fat door,he threw a few crumbled up tally-ho's through the pigeon hole in it & said "look under the matress & i'll b back later with a light", so dark I could just c the matress & 1 blanket on the floor, & a little booklet that says if u think u-ve been unfairly tried, ask 4 the superintendent, the matress was as long as the cell, apart from my bucket, that's all i thought was in there, thats why there called "The Black Cells", the floor, walls, door & ceiling r black, so i patted the dusty concrete floor & found about 70 little tiny bumpers under the matress, as the sweeper swept past my door a few hours later he threw a bit of flint from a match box & about 10 snapped off matches 5mm's long through the pigeon hole, i could c his mouth through the pigeon hole quickly whisper "normally u get a 13gr rashen tin of white ox every fortnite", (no other type available back then), " down here u get nothin,that's where the saying "prison tobacco eh!" comes from when white ox is mentioned", i never saw him again,(wonder if he had wings), couldn't get his ph no to buy him a beer or thank him because they wernt invented then, my first little racehorse smoke for six days rocked me, that's when a smoke was a smoke, jimmy barnes would agree, the superintendent turned up a day or so later & let me out 2 get a lawyer & c a dr, took a while 2 get the ink from the phone book off my head, must of come in contact with it at the Brisso watch house, ox was clean, strong & you didn't need many a day back then, out of all the different brands I've smoked since 1964 when i was 10, white ox is ( or was ) the only 1 that didn't make me cough as much, i learnt in muswellbrook jail in 2000 from the old timers to keep the mother load in its plastic packet & just take a pinch in another pouch out to the yard, it stays fresher, and seems 2 evade inmates hitting u up for a smoke, ( bunger dere ), now & 4 well over 10 years i still get a 50grama and have 2 keep the mother load at home in the plastic take a pinch & still end up with about 5 to 10 grams of dry dregs, i give it 2 bludgers or people who r desperate, i even had 2 get into the other day when i was broke, the old orange or potato peel in the pouch trick didn't even work, had enough 4 a 25grama 2 days ago & without fail, every smoke i roll has a light brown curly stalk around 1cm to 3cm long in it, & 5grms of dust, CRAP,bloody rip off mungerals, i used 2 get 2 wks out of a 30grama, as it got more sh*tier a 50grama would last 2wks, now i'm lucky 2 get 1 wk out of a 50grama, shame on u white ox, u pack of thieves, i even get little black nuggets through some packs, looks like hash, the way u'se r going, I think more ox smokers would get more out of 50grms of hash, thanks 2 all who complain, keep up the good work & may more people bore it up the ox mungers, as u readers can probably tell, i've wanted 2 complain 4 years.
Do you have a comment about Imperial Tobacco Australia Limited Baulkham Hills or (02) 9881 0888?
I Called Back
Posted on January 19, 2017Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia