Search Results for (02) 9652 0300
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Alpine Treemovals Pty LtdAddress
43 Moores Rd, Glenorie NSW 2157, AustraliaHistory
3 older records found on this number.Last Found
August 2021Other Formats
/(02) 9652 0300
/(02) 9652 0300
Comments on (02) 9652 0300
Posted on October 25, 2012Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi was was speaking to Moorie on Monday he was going to call back to get my address about revoving a palm tree. My address is 187 Rooty Hill Rd North, Rooty hill. He also wanted to know if his removal equipment would get into the property. I have 2 accesses to the property. 1 via common drivway, that other through a vacant block of land, but the colourbond fence would need to be removed. Could he pls ring me back and I will give him the area of the first access. The palm is about 6 foot in height for the base and all up about 18 feet height. My number is 9625 08387 many thanks.
Do you have a comment about Alpine Treemovals Pty Ltd or (02) 9652 0300?
robert saad
Posted on November 14, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia