Search Results for (02) 9648 2921
Names found on this computer
Maihom Foods Pty LtdAddress
24 Fariola St, Silverwater NSW 2128, AustraliaHistory
9 older records found on this number.Last Found
November 2021Other Formats
/(02) 9648 2921
/(02) 9648 2921
Comments on (02) 9648 2921
Do you have a comment about Maihom Foods Pty Ltd or (02) 9648 2921?
Posted on January 5, 2018Caller type: Service
Location: Australia
We have one property which located in 1707 / 883 Collins st .Docklands. One of guest split drink on the carpet in one of bedroom ( around 3.5 * 3.5 ). We could like to find exactly same carpet and replace it . You company is our supplier for this carpet . Could you help us to replace it and let me know how much is going to cost for replace the carpet.
Kind regards
Customer Service Officer
The Guru Hub Pty Ltd
p:(02) 8033 5335
a:616 Harris Street Ultimo NSW 2007
w: e: info @