Comments on (02) 9464 0735

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0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Comments on (02) 9464 0735

Sample complaints we have found for (02) 9464 0735


Sarah from UPS Bank wishing to speak to the boss about finances.  ( I go ask him if he knows these people.. NOPE he said, don't want to know em) I asked if she was a cold caller and she said no, she was asked to call on behalf of Craig. Oh, so Craig has spoken to The boss before? No she said, I was asked to call on behalf of Craig, to arrange an appointment with the boss to discuss finances.I replied, so you are introducing your company. she said no, I was asked.. blah blah.. I said, well the boss ( I said his name as they already knew it) is not aware of Craig or your company, as I have been working here for 14 years I am well aware of his finances and to whom he speaks to, I know he will not speak to you regarding his finances, If you are asking to speak to him on behalf of someone.  You ARE introducing your company, therefore you ARE a cold caller. Ohh, well,  if you want to put it like that.   She said with her nose in the air. Ohh no Sarah ( I said) It IS like that.  So please put us on your do not call back list and have a great day. Man that completely knocked the wind out of her snotty sails... lmao.   She has no idea how to deal with that.  It was actually a bit of fun.


after the boss.. No idea whom

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