Comments on (02) 9045 5600

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

Comments on (02) 9045 5600


Posted on October 10, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Cracka Wines - I did sign up for these calls every now and again so i can only blame myself when they call me out of the blue. I got some bloody cheap wine though out of it, and its a very well known name who is being sold in Dan Murphies for twice the price.
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Posted on June 14, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Cracka WInes, on-line wine retailer.
0 found this comment helpful

Sample complaints we have found for (02) 9045 5600


Cracka Wines


It is definitely Cracka Wines - well worth answering as I picked up a case of 05 Mt Langi Cliff Edge for $13 a bottle. I just went to the winery and paid $30 for the same wine. The salesmna said it was a phone only special so well worth answering the phone.


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