This number rang today; it was answered by our answering machine. I could hear some breathing from the caller in the background. No message left.Simple rule in our house:- If you do not know the number, then don't answer the phone.Caller: (02) 8823 3097 @ 2:10 pm Sydney time.
I suspected this number was 'one of those' so I didnt answer it. Now I see I was right and it's yet another menacing call.... wonder if it is a real charity? There are charities I support already and I won't be agreeing to anything with anyone else.
What is it with these people. I am constantly getting calls coming up 'private' or 'overseas' but there is never anyone there when I pick up the phone. This is the next number in a long line of numbers that keep calling. I run a business from home therefore I need to answer my phone. This is constant harassment, unfortunately my mobile coverage is unless or I would get rid of the landline. Ok have written a saga but come on we are on do not call but that doesn't relate to charities or overseas gimmick calls. Give us a break!!
When I called it back (with my number blocked), a recording said: "You have received a call from a well-known Australian charity" - gee, ta - how helpful!
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Simple rule in our house:- If you do not know the number, then don't answer the phone.
Caller: (02) 8823 3097 @ 2:10 pm Sydney time.
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