Comments on (02) 8820 4861

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0 complaints this year, 12 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 12 total complaints

Comments on (02) 8820 4861


Posted on October 24, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Who is this lady? She has tried to call my work. I have no idea who she is and do not anybody who would be in debt. Do I need to be concerned?
2 found this comment helpful


Posted on September 29, 2011
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
is a debt collector. Creditcorp
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Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8820 4861


Tammy Cassler rang my home number claiming to be an old friend looking for my son to 'reconnect'.  Dont know how she found my number as I have a different surname than him. She even found my other son and rang him at work. I rang her for an explanation and it turned out to be a different person she was after. Surely there are privacy issues breached here!!!!  BIG FINE TAMMY!!!!!


Be careful

Section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth):
Principle 1 - Manner and purpose of collection of personal information

1. Personal information shall not be collected by a collector for inclusion in a record or in a generally available publication unless:
(a) the information is collected for a purpose that is a lawful purpose directly related to a function or activity of the collector; and
(b) the collection of the information is necessary for or directly related to that purpose.
2. Personal information shall not be collected by a collector by unlawful or unfair means.


I just had a delightful phone call from Tammy, needless to say it wasn't pleasant. the phone call began with trying to chase my parents whilst i was at work to get in contact with a relative. Her tactics used were, lets be honest tastless. She was trying to get in contact regarding the passing of his father (news to me which sent us all into a bit of a tail spin).

Peed off

Look at the last two words on number 2.  Unfair means. I call harassing distant relatives unfair means. How dare they bother 83 year old people telling lies about they are just to find someone who is no longer in our lives this is just pure hat assessment and will not be tolerated. Tammy expect a solicitors letter in the mail to cease and desist harassing our family.


This woman is ruthless and will use all means avalable to track down her target, she uses tactics claiming she is a friend from the past trying to gather any details she can. Anyone called by this person should be wary.  I personly have been harassed about my ex partner and she has even gone thro face book and contacted friends and family throu the bussniss name thay have posted as their place of work trying to track this person down.  This Tammy from credit corp is a bad person and I hope all she goes throu in life Is s**t and bad things happen to her so she will one day understand some of us are going throu. And to credit corp F*** YOU.


Be carefulSection 14 of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth):Principle 1 - Manner and purpose of collection of personal information1. Personal information shall not be collected by a collector for inclusion in a record or in a generally available publication unless:(a) the information is collected for a purpose that is a lawful purpose directly related to a function or activity of the collector; and(b) the collection of the information is necessary for or directly related to that purpose.2. Personal information shall not be collected by a collector by unlawful or unfair means.

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