Comments on (02) 8705 3008

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0 complaints this year, 10 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 10 total complaints

Comments on (02) 8705 3008


Posted on January 5, 2015
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Had a number of calls from EC Credit Control sales rep trying to meet with me in Melbourne. They dont stop calling, then start using threatening tones when I tell them I am not interested.
Did some research on EC CREDIT control, a NZ based company, seems they are trying to sell Term of Trade document in Aust for thousands of dollars, this is a scam as they are not a legal firm and are selling a generic document.
EC Credit Control have been in trouble with ACCC, ASIC and their Sales Director has a criminal history in NZ with a previous NZ colection company.
Go to a Lawyer for legal advice stay clear of this high pressure sales business!!
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Posted on September 12, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
got caught, lots of documents, dont know what to do with them and nobody answers the phone or replies back to my emails.
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Posted on September 12, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Angry ethical contractor

used to work for them. The company itself is dishonest. I am having to take them to court to get them to pay my telemarketing costs.
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Posted on August 16, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: I used to sales rep for them.

They are lead by a bunch of cowboys. And yes, they use telemarketers to cold call for sales leads. They cut corners from Day One in my training with them, and it never got any better. They are a sales organisation driven by revenue. (And customer service is only featured on their Bucket List - something they'd like to do maybe, one day ! ) I only had one good experience with them. The day - I quit.
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Posted on July 8, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Received letter of demand for $746 apparently traffic fine occurred in Italy in 2015 - never been to Italy
In helpful staff wondering is this a scam
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Posted on November 22, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: No-one- I am looking at reviews for EC Credit control

I am just reading a lot of the above comments and have no sympathy whatsoever.
The people/businesses who actually owe debt to other businesses/people are complaining about how much they are getting contacted for money that they owe!! Well... if your debt has been placed into a debt company (and if it is a legitimate debt that is matched to your company, of course)seriously, have some thought for the businesses that have provided you the goods (that they themselves had paid for, out of their own pocket, and in good faith, gave you time to pay for them -without asking for payment first -and then you have taken the goods and refused to pay for them!!!). It is stealing and illegal. if you were not happy with the product delivered, call the person/business and ask them to replace,etc the goods, but it is illegal to take goods without paying for them. As for EC Credit calling businesses and asking to speak to the company accounts person -that is their job!!
I am sure they are not proud of the rude lady but they are doing a good service for other businesses, for those who think they have a right to 'steal' off others, with no consequence. Suck it up and pay your debts!!
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Posted on January 17, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Debt Collectors. HIGHLY Intimidating, obsessive and overkill on phone calls, texts emails and letters. As an example, in the time frame of 25 minutes I had 3 text messages, 4 emails and 3 phone calls but not ONE LETTER has been received. Have been paying a debt with them over and above the amount I advised them of. They are now spouting off comments about court because I REFUSE to enter into what they call a 'formal' arrangement and in the EXACT words of one of their staff members this will not stop because its not a formal arrangement. They have accepted my payments, NONE have been rejected back to me which indicates to me they are happy to accept the payment to which they call 'In Good Faith' and this could still go to court. From what I have read about this get together they make MASSIVE threats and throw around the word 'court' ALOT and have even been pulled up on this legally before so be VERY weary and the name Shayla Sullivan seems to be a ghost name because she is NEVER there when I have called them. Staff also snigger and laugh at your comments while discussing the situation with you. PISS POOR customer service and plain out right nasty!
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Posted on June 3, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: New Zealand
I had a debt owing to BNZ they took me to the disputes tribunal. The tribunal application was filled out by a staff Member of ECCC. They actually reprinted the letters and changed the amounts and signatures. The application to the tribunal was fake. BNZ stood behind the application and declared it a mistake. I counterclaimed the application and the tribunal referee dismissed it. I found out afterwards that BNZ had already sold the debt. The tribunal referee made an order against me. Later the courts got rid the order entirely to cover up the fraud. When I went to the tribunal hearing even my case was not listed on the door. The courts, banks and debt collectors are all part of the scam. They disregard the law because the whole point is to keep people in debt. There are literally thousands of issues with debt collectors. How many actually end up in court. They don't? The point of the intermediaries like your commerce commission and ACCC is to stop complaints going further. I was offered a bribe by the banking ombudsman to not take my claim further. I never signed the offer. The banks, debt collectors and courts are all laughing at us. Encore Capital who trade on the international stock market have taken a 50% shareholding in Baycorp. Encore specialise in subprime lending and NZ is one of their clients. Remember the subprime crash of 2008 its still going on today, not with fraudulent mortgage backed securities but this time with debt.
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craig orchard

Posted on May 4, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
EC credit Control are currently sending me letters laying down the law and ethics according to themselves. They wish me to pay one of their clients, Premier Publishing for pathetic service I have naturally refused to pay a extornate amount for 2 bad photos. It seems having read EC credit terms of trade used by Premier Publishing I have no right of refusal. Might let the court decide hopefully they are a higher power than the self proclaiming EC Credit Control and their minion Premier Publishing. Keep a sharp eye out for these guys.
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Posted on October 15, 2015
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
EC Credit. This company sends me a text and asks to confirm my date of birth and current address. If you don't provide this information they won't discuss why they are wanting to speak with you. I asked to be put through to the manager and again unless you give them your date of birth they really have nothing to say. Might as well give your password to your bank account. Be careful
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Posted on August 17, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: New Zealand
Got a letter in the mail chasing me up for an overdue debt of $600 I apparantly incurred back in 2010. Problems are:

1) I have never been a customer of either the companies they are claiming to be collecting for

2) The name on the bill is not my legal name

3) They sent this bill to my mothers address where I have not lived for many years, nor have I ever had any of her utilities under my name

4) They can not tell me how I have come to owe this money, and don't even know which company I owe (they told me it's either Vodafone of Telstra!)

5) They are adding interest daily, so by the time you open your letter, your debt is higher than the figure on your letter

I spoke to a woman, who couldn't tell me anything. So I then emailed them. What a joke. After a week of waiting for a reply, I emailed them again asking if they had recieved my email and what they were doing about it. 5 days later I recieved an email from them stating that yes they had recieved my 1st email and that it was forwarded to the correct department. What exactly are they doing about it? When will I get a response from "the correct department", and how long is this going to take to be resolved? All questions I included in my next email to them. Instead of helpful information and timeframes, I got a rude response saying "I told you in the last email that your matter has been forwarded to the correct department and you will be contacted in due time".
It's been 2 weeks since that email and still no explanation or anything from them.
I am wondering if this is a scam, or if I need to see a lawyer or report this to the police.
I think they are totally unprofessional and even dodgy.
This is the NZ department I am dealing with.
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Posted on January 21, 2015
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
I'm a former rep for EC Credit Control they use an external call centre to get sales leads. This company make up the rules as they go along illegally contracting what are really employees and I'm still waiting to get paid .
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Posted on June 16, 2014
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
On the 13th June 2014, at 3.38pm ( yes, I receive so many cold callers I now take note) from a representative of your company by the name of Marsha wanting to speak to the business owner to set up an appointment. Upon telling Marsha to please put us on their do not call list as we have no need of your services I was then informed I was a “ you’re a stupid, dumb, bitch”.

You must be so proud to have that lovely worker using your name.

I called EC Credit Control on 1300 361 070 and spoke to Serlina ( I may have that spelt wrong) who’s eyebrows I could hear going up even over the phone and was asked to hold while she transferred me to her club leader Alan.

After explaining to Alan, he went through his directory and said we don’t have a Marsha or Martha working for us, I explained she was a sales rep trying to make an appointment with the owner. While using an illegally block number so I am unable to call her back myself. He replied he didn’t realize they did that. Well. Obviously you do. He said he would look into it and would I like a call back.

Thinking that would be end of it. I said no, thank you and bye.

16th June 2014 9.02am and I have foul mouthed Marsha back on the phone wanting the business owner. I was quite surprised to hear from her but reasoned she must be of a low intellect to think I wouldn’t know it was her. ( after all she does do telemarketing to start with) I explained after Fridays rude call that is not happening. And hung up. She of course called me back with the same “You are a dumb, stupid, bitch” I think she said something else before hanging up, but I was laughing too much to hear her.

So I called you again and spoke to Marissa who in a haughty manner told me “ ohh we don’t cold call, that must have been someone else”. In fact I was informed of this twice and was advised to call my Telco and they can trace the call. There is nothing she can do. I was not even offered an apology. She had no concern whatsoever.

Upon a quick search online I found SEEK advertising sales reps jobs for guess who? Yep, EC Credit Control. (see page 2).

You don’t have a very good track record so far EC. So far I have encounted rude, and foul mouth abusive sales reps and liars or ( trying to be nice here) VERY ill informed staff at your head office. 5 minutes online, I found out more about your company then the people you have working for you know.

I will be making a complaint with ACMA.

Just one more lost customer who likes to leave reviews online. : )
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Posted on July 23, 2012
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Credit Control company
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Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8705 3008


It is from a company called EC Credit Control. They call businesses looking to find ones with customers with are not paying their bills on time so they can act on their behalf to get the money.


EC Credit Control, calling businesses asking to speak to the person responsible for account receivable. No doubt looking to act on their behalf as debt collectors.


got a call from this number and said something about credit control tried calling back and then they just kept hanging up...I have no credit issues...

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