Comments on (02) 8651 5451

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0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on (02) 8651 5451


Posted on January 23, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: debt collector

keeps calling even though I have no outstanding debts I think it's a skam
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Posted on August 21, 2024
Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
Caller: Credit corp - Brendan

Called from a no caller id number, 5 mins later sent a text from 0439 786 505 saying “I tried to call as agreed, but couldn’t reach you. Please call me on (02) 8651 5451, Brendan.”
Never made an arrangement, don't have a debt, scam call
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Posted on January 11, 2022
Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
Caller: Brendan Decini - Credit Corp

Asked me to confirm my identity. I did not he had my first name & last name but wrong middle name and state of residence. Had reached me through my FB friend. Very sus. Said I had previous payment arrangement but had defaulted. SCAM!!!!
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Posted on September 2, 2021
Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
Caller: Credit corp

I was previously a Debt collector, they will pull information from your credit file like workplaces you have listed on loan apps, phone , utility and so on they have access to tenancy databases, when you make a rental application, often regardless if you are successful and move in, the real estate with list your information, name , dob, mobile number addresses, previous and current employers and also will have information on whoever else applied for the rental application with you, and often will have a copy of your drivers licence or passport for you and anyone that applied with you. They will use Numerous databases to pull your info from, almost any e-commerce site you buy things from these days will sell your information if you don’t opt out of their marketing and 3rd party services. If you can enter into an arrangement to begin making payments, if you are scared, which is rightly justified by some of the tactics used get a 3rd party to act on your behalf to make you feel comfortable, if you don’t want to pay what you owe, make sure you know what the consequences can be, court judgement depending on the state it can increase the time they can legally pursue the debt by up to 15 years at a court appointed interest rate, if you really do not intend on paying back the debt Know the the statute of limitations for your state, answer all numbers you don’t recognise and suspect may be a collector then pick a fake name remember it and always answer saying that hello the name you chose before being asked, don’t immediately get annoyed and say remove the number, any good debt collector will see right through that let it play out over a few months then when you feel like you have played the game for long enough, ask for the number to be removed politely and not to be called again, you may still get a call here and there when they copy and paste the number out of a database. Good collectors with long tenure hear every story you can think of and will get very good at picking up lies by listening to the tone of your voice and will have already read all the notes of previous conversations, so be consistent on what you say, most common lie is, just got this number a few weeks ago, numbers take roughly 6 months after being disconnected before they are recycled, so if your number had always rang but never answered, then one day when you do decide to answer and say sorry wrong number never heard of that person they will know straight away that’s not true and will Likely resume the weekly collection calls. Most of all change your voicemail or delete it so you don’t have one, nothing funnier when you speak to someone over months claiming not to be who they say they are but never changed their voicemail 🤣. If you are going to avoid your debt Don’t make the decision lightly, there are ways to get help through free financial counseling services like the national debt helpline 1800 007 007 or other non profit financial rehabilitation services, if your mental health is being affected reach out to services like beyond blue. Even getting a letter from a doctor stating the constant collection calls are having a serious effect on your mental well-being can buy you 3-6 months of no collections, but remember while you are not making payments they have no legal obligation to freeze your interest, seek advice from a financial councillor or a lawyer before making any decisions

Best regards,
Somewhat nice debt collector
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Posted on October 24, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Credit corp

I don’t have debt

They keep calling

Very rude

Asking for maree
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I Called Back

Posted on August 16, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I called back number (02) 8651 5451 spoke to a guy who said I've reached a switchboard but did not say for what company.
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