Comments on (02) 8594 7999

Search Results for (02) 8594 7999

Names found on this computer

Labels By Mail


U 1 176-180 Euston Rd, Alexandria NSW 2015, Australia


0 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

November 2005

Other Formats

/(02) 8594 7999

Comments on (02) 8594 7999


Posted on April 18, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Is your company still trading? I would like to place an order please
7 found this comment helpful


Posted on December 3, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hello Mr Laws . . . did you have any resonspe to your enquiry re the phone number please?
2 found this comment helpful


Posted on October 4, 2023
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Are you still in business and how do I order?
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Greg Symons

Posted on October 27, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
You may all be actually looking for "Identity Direct" for your mail lables. Thats where I found mine again.
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Posted on June 7, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Is the company Labels by Mail still operating? Could you please email their new phone number if they are.

Thank you,

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Barry Laws

Posted on October 18, 2019
Caller type: Other
Location: Australia
Caller: Returning customer

I need to reorder Labels by Mail the same black on gold, same type but different details to my current Cronulla address. Please email me on bla15043 @ as I cannot find an appropriate form to use. I have tried ringing (02) 8594 7999 but I get the message that the number is either invalid or incomplete.
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John French

Posted on July 20, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
r phone number is advising number is incorrect ? 0428 340 357 Please Ring.
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Posted on June 4, 2019
Caller type: Other
Location: Australia
Caller: Labels by Mail

Good morning, I'm wanting to order labels and Dymo tape can you supply your mailing address and phone number to enable me to forward this order, Thankyou
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Brenda Capewell

Posted on April 1, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: No-one

Please call me on (08) 9795 6638 as I wish to order more labels exactly as in the same format as before (order no. 6314132)

Thank you
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Joan Burrows

Posted on September 4, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I would like to reorder some “ labels by mail “ . Please phone me on (07) 5578 3443.
Thankyou , your phone no. that is listed is incorrect.
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Posted on March 12, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hello, many years ago I used to buy hundreds of your labels for a home business of mine. I would like to re-order some again from you but I am having trouble tracking down a contact number for you - I want to talk to someone who can answer the phone and tell me you are still in business or not. You used to advertise in the BIG YELLOW ENVELOPE 15-20 yrs ago and that's how I first starting using you. Please contact me urgently via email. Thanks- coconutculturetours @
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Raymond Chegwyn

Posted on March 6, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Wish to re-order but your phone no. is apparently now unavailable. Can you please phone me on (02) 9958 3983
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Geoff phillips

Posted on January 27, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Why don't you put a contact address on your labeled
dispenser..would help with reordering
LOoking up yourselves on Google shows heaps of businesses with similar names
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Louisa Feltracco

Posted on February 15, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I have been dialling that Phone Number to get an up to date price for an order by there is no connection. I have ordered labels from you in the past. please let me know the price of 300 labels.
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Interprint Rubber Stamps

Posted on March 10, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I have trying to call this number above (02) 8594 7999 and 8594 7960 and I am getting an answer telling me the number doesn't exist.
Please send me your phone number I want to put an order.
I am an old client.
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Anthony C. Carter.

Posted on February 18, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I found this flyer at home with reference to labels by mail with these details on the bottom, just checking to see if still in business and you have a web site so as I can see the labels available are as per flyer.
I'm not sure how long I have had the flyer for.
I live in Melbourne.
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