Posted on April 17, 2012 Caller type: Survey Location: Australia
It's Telstra. Why do they insist on harassing their customers so much? If we wanted to do a survey WE would ask them.
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Posted on October 28, 2011 Caller type: Survey Location: Australia
Its Telstra doing a survey
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alan moore
Posted on October 10, 2011 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
why does it keep ringing my mobile
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Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8570 3210
02 8570 3210
It is Telstra doing a feedback call on your recent interaction with their Indian call centersRelax, it's not federal intelligence =p
It's Telstra
It's just Telstra being Telstra. A right pain. Do we provide good services blah blah blah. Short answer would be Not Really.
Called 4 times in 75 minutes in the middle of the day. It's Telstra doing research on how they fixed your issue the week before you wasted almost an hour and a half on hold and then on the phone trying to fix because they buggered it up in the first place. The questions they ask do not allow you to express yourself or answer correctly. I'm still waiting for the $300+ credit on overcharges they promised 10 days ago to appear online in my account.
i'M FREE!!!
Getting to a point. While it's lovely a company is trying to give us great customer service. Something lots are lacking most these days. It seems they are doing themselves mischief instead. I am not surprised I CANCELLED my landline after it always needing line service.. But of course first I have to test the phone and my end. and wonder if they will charge me for coming to fix their own lines. ( Outside the house lines are so old this was happening every time it rained... 6 times!!! ) you would think they get the hint there is a major problem.. But noooo. so I cancelled my paperweight that looked like a phone and go mobile. $ 650 credit for a month, new handset, and I pay $30 per month. That's a bargin... AND NO TELSTRA CURRY MUNCHERS SAYING..( THINK APU...... OHH AND HOW ARE YOU DOING TODAY MA'AM...
02 8570 3210
It is Telstra doing a feedback call on your recent interaction with their Indian call centers
Comments on (02) 8570 3210
Posted on April 17, 2012Caller type: Survey
Location: Australia
Posted on October 28, 2011Caller type: Survey
Location: Australia
alan moore
Posted on October 10, 2011Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8570 3210
02 8570 3210
i'M FREE!!!
02 8570 3210
Relax, it's not federal intelligence =p
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