Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8455 9999
Dean I.
Scam call from this number - stated they are from Keyline Australia - but are not even based in Australia. They are based in India. $1500 for a website and a Facebook page. An Indian website!!!!!! $1500 you got to be kidding. I can get one built in Australia for less than that.Tosser! Also use (02) 8458 0600
Beware. My experience with Keyline Australia in an unhappy one of Very Poor Service. Also, Keyline operates by deception. They should not use Australia in their business name - they are Indian. The Australian phone number is misleading - If you call their 02 numbers (Good Luck getting an answer!) your call seems to be relayed automatically to India. The Indian voices have given themselves Australian sounding names, but don't be fooled.
David Knowles
Hi Dean! you are right. After I signed up with dLook website for $550, Keyline phone my mum and they told us that dLook is not working but the thing is It is really working, in fact dLook is Australian Local Business Directory based in Market St. Sydney QVB and all of their services are excellent. Try to sign up with them mate!
Comments on (02) 8455 9999
Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8455 9999
Dean I.
David Knowles
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