Comments on (02) 8310 7944

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Comments on (02) 8310 7944


Posted on November 11, 2020
Caller type: Unsolicited call
Location: United States
Caller: Aveeta. They are a parasite organisation.

They insert themselves between genuine service contractors, like Electrical, plumbing and Aircon companies and their clients. They insist, under the excuse its all about "Safety" that you register with them and then you cannot attend site unless you supply them heaps of documentation. You must constantly update their computer network with documentation. You have to pay them an Annual Fee for them to annoy the sh*t out of you. "Where is you procedure for disciplining employees that say something Politically Incorrect about Aboriginal or Torres Straight Island peoples??".

It is a fantasy nightmare, and a huge waste of time and money. But you are their unpaid "Data Entry Person" and you are complying with automated demands from their computer program. And for that they seek to extract a percentage of the transactions between contractors and their customers.

Unfortunately they tell the Client they supply this "For Free" , as the Contractor pays for it. Of course this is not true. The additional time, frustration, waste, red tape, delay etc is then added to the Contractor's Quote.
My Company adds an additional 20% for all quotes and service rates for Clients that insist on giving these parasite companies and they are springing up everywhere.
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