Comments on (02) 8211 8513

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 7 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 7 total complaints

Search Results for (02) 8211 8513

Names found on this computer



U 1 94 Albert Rd, Strathfield NSW 2135, Australia


0 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Verizon Australia Pty Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

June 2009

Other Formats

/(02) 8211 8513

Comments on (02) 8211 8513

Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8211 8513


Thanks Dave for the URL and I placed my demand on company to have number removed from database.


Received call from above number. Caller identified himself as Nick from Ingenuity Research. Returned call. Answering machine confirmed that caller is McNair Ingenuity Research.


Called at random.


they called me from (02) 8211 8513 last night, told them can't talk and for them to call back, called back and I didn't answer, tonight same guy called from 0406 855 965


Make a demand on this company via the URL in Dave's comment and have your number deleted from database.The person who called me did not introduce themselves but went into their survey as I value my privacy I do not give out private information over the phone.


I had a call on an unlisted voip number which i messed. two days later it called again and there was some guy wanting to do a survey. I told him this is an unlisted number etc, he informed me that it was a random computer dialler which calls blocks of numbers. I called the office and had my number removed which I doubt they will do. you can call the office number on (02) 9966 9133 and give them heaps or goto

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