Comments on (02) 8014 7459

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0 complaints this year, 47 total complaints

Comments on (02) 8014 7459


Posted on August 25, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I was told these people were from bigpond and same thing as everyone else my computer was infected. Do not believe these people
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I just had this happen to me 20 minutes ago. It is exactly as Licinia and Brad have described as above.I didnt trust these guys either and asked a lot of questions about where they were calling from. This guy told me his name was Sean (the technical supervisor). As soon as he told me to visit this site I didnt trust him at all and I was even more sure it was a scam. I didnt listen to him after the told me to go to the techforhelp site.I told him I will fix these problems myself and if I have any problems I will call hm as I had his number which he told me to be (02) 8014 7459.


but i dont think so...    because i got lot of help from this compny...........


A call I received earlier this evening matches most of the details others have mentioned.The call started very amateurishly, as I never give my name when I answer, and also we are on the "do not ring" register.I voiced my serious doubts to the man calling from India, after he gave me his speil about Microsoft having referred them, and was fobbed off with fast incomprehensible patter. Even when I said that I use up to date antivirus software and antimalware and have fixed my families computers for over twelve years, and that the sirname and address they were calling me was the one used only in the phonebook for our landline. It is not mine or the one I use to register software, warrantees etc., I was told a lot more fearsome "facts" which didn't make any tech. sense, then directed click by click to open the administrative events log. I heard melodramatic noises when reporting the number of yellow triangles etc. as he'd asked. I could clearly see what they really were, but was told not to click on or even hover over them...When I refused to go any further with his next intructions with "LogMeIn", I was "handed over" to his superior. She too had innacurate explanations, and answered her own rhetorical questions with a "yes", then I was directed (as if to a beginner), to observe what was going on with what I know to be my CPU.She said it should be running at 75% or higher. As I had only one browser window minimised in my tray, and the display was happily showing 1 to 2% I accused the "More senior technician"/Indian woman who said her name was Hersh Smith- of being a scammer, and managed to finish then hang up politely, even though by then I was extremely annoyed.


I received a call last night(March 16, 2011,) they had east indian accents and attempted to tell me my computers was experiencing problems,they wanted me to go to a website called 123logmein they also claim their company name was Maakaboor. I didn't believe it right from the? start and when I told him I believed he was trying to scam me he became rude with me saying he wanted to f*** my daughter and to take my computer and stick it in my moms pussy,I then hand up. - Everyone beware of this scam!


Also I asked him how he got my number and address details. He told me that when I bought the computer I would have entered in those details at the computer shop. I dont ever remember giving out my phone number and if i did would only give my mobile as I rarely use the landline.


I also received a similar call from and tried that and registered for 199.99AUD, but I found that the support that they are providing is really awesome. Though they are taking the control of my computer through logmein123 but the way they are resolving the SPYWARE issue is really fantastic. I think they have a good panal of expert technicians who are doing the job. I really appretiate this things of resolving issues. we all should change our mind by this time.


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