Comments on (02) 8011 4727

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 6 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 6 total complaints

Comments on (02) 8011 4727

Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8011 4727


My mother received a scam call from this number today. Told her she had $5200 available to her in overpaid charges by the bank. She has never paid a charge in her life. I called this number and they told me she had to pay $109.95 processing fee to get it. They said that they were from the govt Reclaims dept. If my mum pays this fee she would never see this or the $5200. Another money making scam. She got a call even though she is on the DO NOT CALL register. Hopefully no-one gets scammed.


This number is from an indian scam all they do is steal peoples money beware i have called this number back aprox 8 times and it is definatly a scam i got the idiot to admit he steals money of australians


I received a scam call from this number today. The Indian lady told me I had $5200 available in overpaid charges by my bank. To get my bank fee rebate from the government. I was asked to call this number (02) 8011 4727 and quote an application number and a cheque would be sent out. I never rang this phone number,


Received a call from this number (sounded like Filipino with American accent) stating that bills I had paid via Billpay were overpaid and that I was entitled to a $5000 refund of fees. They wanted bank details and my address to send the $5000. I did not trust the caller as my son does all our banking and have never had any problems to date. After further discussion I hung up.


this is the number they wanted me to call to get my bank fee rebate from the government. I told them the government usually sends out letters and knows my details. I never rang the phone number, did ring ACCC to let them know.


My mum got a call similar to this. They wanted her to pay $109.95 as a processing fee to get her money back. What govt dept charges this type of fee. The fee would be paid and we would never see this money again. Another scam.

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