Comments on (02) 8011 2000

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 86 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 86 total complaints

Comments on (02) 8011 2000

Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8011 2000


I recommend keeping your credit card details only for theatre and sporting ticketsfor Rapid Detox products, just buy products like that at the chemistI have been called 3 times today from this number and just googled (02) 8011 2000, I am now relieved that I'm not being stalked or going crazy..........yetI will never call a tv promotion ever again


I recieve calls from this number regularly, very annoying


My 13 year old answered the phone today to these idiots and they went off at him saying how noone ever answers the phone!! Then hung up!! Im about to let them know exactly what they can do with their phone calls :)


Yes we too have had this number call us 10 billion times.. and YES we did also call one of those infomercials and left our info for them to call i would assume it is this Nude by nature too.  HOW ANNOYING.

caron brown

I also would like to return your product and will do so tomorrow via australian post at this time i have not received an authorisation code.
I will be returning the product neverthe less.
Having read the above comments I will not be submitting a phone number
thank you Caron Brown Wanneroo Western Australia


Yip total bu***hit, I ordered 48 hr Rapid detox, and find it mean while your detoxing but then again when your starving yourself for 2 days yeah your gona feel somthings working. But the minute you start eating and i don't mean pigging out either a simple diet, you feel yourself puttin on again and bloating. One of my main reason for doing the detox programme I'm not a big girl but I do Bloat alot although i have lost 4kgs in 6wks i still feel a little ripped off. And I do agree with everyone else when it comes to trying to talk to anyone you get the run around and don't get anywhere, to top it all off I got a FINALE notice from there Collection office to pay the bill that had been paid 2wks ago way to go Fu-k heads

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