Comments on (02) 8007 6595

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0 complaints this year, 20 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 20 total complaints

Comments on (02) 8007 6595

Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8007 6595


Listing your number with the do not call register with them would not work. The 'Do not call register' is to stop 'blind' calls from telemarketers, charities etc from calling you. i.e. companies that you do not have a relationship with.Danoz can still call you as you have purchased someting from them and by doing so, you have created a business relationship with them. You are on their list of cutomers and the DNC register is irelevent.You can ask Danoz to remove you from their marketing campaigns so they do not call you to try to cross sell other products to you, but under the law they can call in relation to existing products even if you do this.


Uh oh ... on behalf of my mum I purchased something from Danoz recently, i hope that doesn't mean constant calls from them and then they hang up!  Because that's what they did today.


who are u


Listing your number with the do not call register with them would not work. The 'Do not call register' is to stop 'blind' calls from telemarketers, charities etc from calling you. i.e. companies that you do not have a relationship with.
Danoz can still call you as you have purchased someting from them and by doing so, you have created a business relationship with them. You are on their list of cutomers and the DNC register is irelevent.
You can ask Danoz to remove you from their marketing campaigns so they do not call you to try to cross sell other products to you, but under the law they can call in relation to existing products even if you do this.


stop calling me


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