Comments on (02) 8006 4252

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0 complaints this year, 51 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 51 total complaints

Comments on (02) 8006 4252


Posted on March 20, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
l just had the samne, what is it who are they
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Posted on March 19, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Also had the same call today - March 19 @ 12:30, an Indian sounding lady, a long pause on the line after I picked up. I was told that I would receive $7,268 from the Government after being overcharged when making purchases. She knew my name and asked how I would like to receive the money, by cheque or direct bank transfer. I told her that I would not be providing my bank details to which she said that a cheque would be sent and then she proceeded to list my address, which was correct. She then told me to right down my reference number SK155 and the managers' names - Alan Jackson, Maria Edwards and Max Lewis and then ring them on (02) 8006 4252 and provide the reference number straight away. She asked if I had a problem with the cheque coming from the Commonwealth bank. I am not about to report this as described in Julie's post. It's very concerning that they had all of my personal details including my date of birth.
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Posted on March 18, 2015
Caller type: Political Call
Location: Australia
I just got tha same call a hour a go
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Posted on March 18, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
i just had the same
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Old Pete

Posted on March 17, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Just received the same call from a woman who sounded Indian. I too was owed $7268 but had to ring the same number. The telephone number to ring is the same and the Managers have the same names however the reference number given to me was RV177. Needless to say I plugged the telephone number into reverseaustralia and came up with all these other people who have also had the scammers contacting them.
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Posted on March 12, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Hi all. I also rec'd this hoax call. I have reported it to ACORN (Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network) because ACORN defines this situation as a SCAM. Reporting is easy and can be done anonymously. By reporting we will hopefully be able to protect the vulnerable people in our community eg the elderly. Please free to "cut & paste" any info from my report ....

An Indian sounding male called my home phone from a Private Number (caller ID insitu) saying he was from 'the Federal Government, Financial Reclaims department and that "demographic data" had identified me as a person to receive a large amount of money as a refund from "over charge transaction fees levied by banks".
He knew all of my details, given & surname, DOB, address etc He sounded genuine until I questioned why he wanted to know whether to deposit money in my account, or less preferably, to mail out a cheque in the name of the bank with whom I had my account. He said I was owed $7268.67. (There is no way this amount is possible). When I became more assertive he asked me to "grab a pen and paper" to jot down my "reference number" VJ 108 He then quoted a ph number (02) 8006 4252 and insisted I ring back "straight away" and give "a senior person within the department" the details of my Bank Account. This was despite it being 4.57pm. He said he wasn't "pushing me to give my account details to him because he realised people were wary of scammers". Three people's names were quoted as contacts, namely Paul Johnson, Maria ?Moira Edwards and Alan Jackson The latter being the "Department Manager" When I asked him about the possibility that based on "demographic data" my recently "passed" (not "past") husband may have a claim to entitlements, he became evasive and said "my husband himself would need to contact the Dept Manager". (Pardon the pun.but his lack of Aussie lingo was a dead giveaway) I investigated the number (02) 8006 4252 on and found similar comments from several people in different geographical locations in Australia
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Posted on March 12, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Also had same call today - ring back Max Lewis or Maria Edwards Ref VJ 108 to get a cheque $7268...blah blah. Which bank did I want the bank cheque from??? Insisted I had to call back straight away. Had all my details - address, dob, phone, .........worrying!
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S.V. Queenland

Posted on March 11, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
My 82 year old mother had a call today from these scammers today telling her the British Pension owed her $7268 .. They had her name, address, phone numbers, wanted her PIN number.. lucky she didn't give it to them... Hope someone finds the bastards
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Marion Atkinson,,Hervey Bay Qld

Posted on March 10, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Same story, refund from Reclaims dept. etc etc $7268.00 (?)
Also gave to much detail but did not make call to (02) 8006 4252, pls. call Allan Jackson or Moira Edwards.........IF she rings back she will get a mouthful.
2.25pm 10/3/15......
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Posted on March 10, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Just had the same phone call. Case number KP 256 for amount of $7268. Same phone number given - but 3 managers names Alan Jackson, Maria Edwards and Max Lewis. Knew all of my details dob, address etc Don't they realise it doesn't matter what bank the cheque is from - just fishing to find out who you bank with.
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Posted on February 27, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Bastards just tried to scam my 84 year old widowed mother. If I could only get my hands on them!!! Same story about over $7K owed to her from overcharges - as if banks would give back - there's your first alert!
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Posted on February 26, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
had same call today - ring back Max Lewis or Maria Edwards Ref RH121 to get a cheque $7268...blah blah. Which bank did I want the bank cheque from??? Insisted I had to call back straight away. Had all my details - address, dob, phone, .........worrying!
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T. J.

Posted on February 26, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
I received the exact same phone call, I told her no body gives money away for nothing, specially $7,000.00 ! I asked her was it "No strings attached?" and she said yes, you will get the money, in the form of a cheque in 3 days , but I had to call straight away, I didn't and she rang back approx 40 mins later and asked why I hadn't called her managers in Sydney, Same names as above, Maria Edwards or Alan Jackson.I told her I was busy and would call soon. So glad I checked this number on Google. Thought it would be a hoax !If she rings back, I will just hang up on her.You have to be so careful these days with sooo many hoaxes going around.
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Posted on February 18, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Just received the same sort of call. I thought she said to ring Maria Edwards or Alan Jackson. i did speak to Alan Jackson who sounded Indian. He told be to ring back tomorrow as they were if I will!....Bloody Scammers!
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monika evers

Posted on February 16, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I had the same $7268.00 - RV177 Indian as well...same deal overcharged fees
Owen Jackson and Mariel Edwards
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Posted on February 13, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
I received the same call today and was asked to call the supervisor back on (02) 8006 4252. I was given two names of the so called supervisors as was apparently everyone else on this thread. They gave a different reference number but that was it. You always know it's a dodgy call when you have to say "hello" about five times before someone says the same back to you.
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Posted on February 13, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Just had exactly the same happen!! Dodgy
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Posted on February 13, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Exactly the same as most above, same names, numbers , indian accent etc, kept asking if i wanted a cheque or deposit in to account, kept emphasising that i had to ring number straight away. Was for my age pension mum, didn't care that they weren't dealing with someone other than they asked for
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Posted on February 11, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Just had a lady call me saying she was from a depart at the Australian Federal Government, saying that I am owed the sum of $7268.00 for over changed bank fees. She gave me a her supervisor names a reference number and a number to call the back. She knew my name and my address and asked if I wanted the money in a cheque or bank transfer I said cheque if fine. She then asked me for my birth date to confirm I'm me.. now I'm worried by doing that. I have called the number they gave me and a person answered but was told to all back tomorrow as they are close for today. I asked her who I've call and she said Australian Federal government. Hmmmm wondering who to call to report this...
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Jo Wells

Posted on February 11, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Just a had a very similar call. The caller was Sam Smith ( with a foreign accent ) from the Reclaims Finance department ( Federal Government ) he had an amount of $7268 dollars he wanted to refund ( overcharge from banks ). Couldn't tell us what banks had overcharged, but one of his supervisors could ( Alan Jackson or Marie Edwards) if I rang them back on (02) 8006 4252.

I was also supplied with a reference no. RH121.

They asked for bank details which I refused to give them. I was then informed that I had to go to post office and get a Western Union Form, ring them back and they would give me a Lawyers name and address who I would have to send a one of payment of $235 to pay a joint fee for his services to reclaim the $7268 cheque. Apparently the Government chose a overseas cheaper lawyer to investigate the ANZ bank because they were overcharging me with excessive fees and bank charges.
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