Comments on (02) 8003 4266

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 10 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 10 total complaints

Comments on (02) 8003 4266


Posted on May 16, 2011
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
No doubt about it. There is no company and there is no computer problem for them to know about. It's a scam. The site they refer you to sounds like a phishing site.
1 found this comment helpful

Sample complaints we have found for (02) 8003 4266

Mitchell Hudson

Well, this is the number of genuine computer Service provider.Just now got the services from this firm. They have given an inexplicable services. My computer seems to be jumping like an active monkey...Special THANKS to MR. JUDE & STEVE PARKER the certified technicians....Feeling great to subscribe for 3 years service with them...REGARDSMITCHELL HUDSON.

Laura Wilson

I am totally surprised with the whole experience. The service was unbelieveable. Thanks a lot for making me aware of my computer's problems and for fixing them. Great going Xpertech.                                  Thank You very much


Suggest we all report this activity, the address in Aust is SCAMwatch by calling 1300 795 995, not sure what is in NZ and other countries. Good luck

Jacob Williams

Excellent Services provided by this company.....Thanks a lot jude............feeling very happy and satisfied with the services...CHEERS


Not only Mitchell but Jacob and Laura are having a laugh.  You only need to look at the (to say the least) odd English.  I especially like the bit that "the service was inexplicable".  Not only is English not their first language, I doubt it is their second.  They are part of the scam, coming on here to try and make the company look legit.  We have had several programmes on BBC TV here in the UK exposing this scam.  These people want remote access to your computer and will tell any lies they can to get it.  If they succeed they will install spyware/malware to steal personal information like bank details and passwords.  They have no connection with Microsoft and know nothing about the computer.  They rely on scare tactics and lack of computer knowledge.

Laura Wilson

I am totally surprised with the whole experience. The service was unbelieveable. Thanks a lot for making me aware of my computer's problems and for fixing them. Great going Xpertech.
                                 Thank You very much

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