Search Results for (02) 6567 4581
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12 Fitzgerald Ave, Smithtown NSW 2440, AustraliaHistory
9 older records found on this number.Last Found
November 2021Other Formats
/(02) 6567 4581
/(02) 6567 4581
Comments on (02) 6567 4581
Do you have a comment about Hotel or (02) 6567 4581?
Posted on January 2, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Mexico
Dion Johnson from gumtree scammed me, made up fake documents and took my goods, absolutely hope this guy rots in hell. Is a scumbag but karma will get him one day. So I’ll explain his process so if he uses his number. You’ll find this process to avoid this loser.
His email is this Dionj288 @
He will ask for your documents to add to his bullsh*t story.
11 Main Street, Smithtown NSW 2440
(02) 6567 4581, that’a the number he gives.
Is actually the smith town au post office
He will offer you a great price first and then offer bank transfer and send you fake remittance. A great take away from it it lacks the description of what is being paid for and takes a while to clear but he will assure you it’s been paid for.
Make sure money is cleared before anything.