Search Results for (02) 6293 3122
Names found on this computer
Lakeside Leisure CenterAddress
Tuggerawong NSW 2259, Australia (updating)History
4 older records found on this number.Last Found
October 2012Other Formats
/(02) 6293 3122
/(02) 6293 3122
Comments on (02) 6293 3122
Do you have a comment about Lakeside Leisure Center or (02) 6293 3122?
Sam Perman
Posted on March 24, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
The number and address listed (Lakeside Leisure Centre - 62933122) is for our facility in the ACT, I've had quite a few people calling up about this and was hoping you might be able to amend the information.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Sam Perman
Facility Manager
Lakeside Leisure Centre
0410 297 158