Search Results for (02) 4977 3324
Names found on this computer
Lebders, BAddress
31 Martinsville Rd, Cooranbong NSW 2265, AustraliaHistory
9 older records found on this number.Last Found
November 2018Other Formats
/(02) 4977 3324
/(02) 4977 3324
Comments on (02) 4977 3324
Posted on May 25, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I have been called by this number twice, each time they did not say the name of the business just that they were a company that helps businesses get better , went on to talk about the something happening in the news by the Government but did not make sense,I think it may have been about investing in some sort of superannuation program I told them I was not interested and to take my name of their call list. Second time the called back but when I said I was busy at work and not interested he said he would call me back, I said no do not call back he then said no I will call you back after hours when you are not busy and then he hung up.
Do you have a comment about (02) 4977 3324?
I Called Back
Posted on June 5, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia