Search Results for (02) 4256 9345
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Cvetkovski, MCvetkovski, P
9 Waterview Ave, Haywards Bay NSW 2530, AustraliaHistory
31 older records found on this number.Last Found
September 2021Other Formats
/(02) 4256 9345
/(02) 4256 9345
Comments on (02) 4256 9345
Do you have a comment about (02) 4256 9345?
Posted on September 23, 2021Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
From the 'Australian Border Security Force'. Pffftttt! Yeah Right!
When I picked up the call, a pre-recorded (and very artificial sounding) voice spouted some BS about a package that I ordered from overseas that has arrived in Australia with 'illegal components' and that a warrant has already been issued for my arrest.
Firstly I DID NOT order any overseas stuff.
And also - like the AFP would give you a 'heads-up' that they're about to arrest you.
BUT, it's OK folks! Apparently the person I was put through to (who English was NOT their first language, let me tell you!) said that I could pay a fine (bribe) right now and all would be forgiven! Yay! Hey, folks! They'll even let you pay your (bribe) err 'fine' with a very official currency of either iTunes cards, or even pre-paid VISA!!!
Aren't they so nice. :)
@#$%^! time wasting @#$%!'s